!!!!!Rewrite Notice!!!!!

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From going through my older chapters and newer ones, I see I'm in desperate need of a rewrite. I am restrained by my poor plans and shotty world building. I know some people think this is a master peice, but I guess I'm a perfectionist some times. So, I'm going to restart. This will mean I will stop writing in this book for a while while I plan on how to rewrite the story. The stat system and Mage need to redone. Don't worry, she will be her snarky mage self but there is lore that I need to account for now. Also, a certain meta charter that has her own novel will be getting involved so I need to account for that too.

I am very thankful for all your support. I hope you will support the reworked version of the story you love. I won't delete this version yet. Once the new version catches up then it goes away. Thanks for your time, and please don't worry. I just want it to make more sense and cut out and put in things that I didn't think up of for jokes or references. Its high time I get creative with my possible master piece.


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