Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

~Don't Give up~

I hopped out of bed. I grabbed my wireless headphones from my backpack. I threw on some clothes. I grabbed my sneakers from my closet. I ran down their small stairs and I walked over to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Peggy asked quietly. I pointed to the door, showing that I was leaving.

"I was gonna go for a run," I whispered.

"Ok, breakfast is in an hour," she said. I was old enough to take care of myself. I didn't need an adult taking care of me but It was nice having someone look out for me. I started at a steady pace of walking then went into a jog. It was six a.m. and the sun was coming up. I ran over to the Lincoln memorial and I ran up to the top of the stairs then sat down. The sun was coming. I took out my phone and took a couple shots. On the side of the camera I saw a person coming in my view. I put down the camera. She was jogging over to me.

"Hey girl," Peggy panted. She sat down next to me.

"I used to do this a lot." she said tired.

"You're pretty old for doing this," I chuckled.

"Ya, I know," she laughed back. She put her arm around my shoulder.

"Honey, I am eighty-eight years old and I'm gonna be turning eight-nine in a couple months. I should not be running," she joked.

"Then why were you?" I asked her curiously.

"I wasn't," she responded. "The car is parked around the corner." she smiled. I let out a chuckle.

"Are you ok?" Peggy asked kindly.

"Uh, huh just needed to get out" I responded taking a deep breath.

"Ok, well, I'm gonna head back. I just wanted to check on you," Peggy said understandingly.

"I'm gonna run back," I responded. She started walking to the car.

I stood up and started walking, then got into a jog. I went back to the house. I opened the front door and took off my shoes. Peggy was in the kitchen making something that smelled delicious.
"Where's Steve?" I asked.

"He is in the.... " she paused and went into a weird voice, "Steve's Mancave," she laughed. I laughed along. I opened the shield to be able to enter and went down stairs. I stopped at the bottom and saw Steve messing with something in the corner.

"What are you doing?" I ask politely, trying not to disturb him.

"I am trying to fix something that Peggy needs. She finally is making me fix it." He turned around holding a toaster. "There," he sighed. He walked toward me.

"You ready for today, Morgan?" Steve asked, walking up the stairs. We headed over to the table where Peggy was setting plates out. Steve and I sit down at their table. The sun was shining on their dark wood table. There was a beautiful silver vase with flowers on the table.

"Here you go," Peggy said. She put down a plate with different ingredients like: raisins, oats, a little bowl of honey, fruits, chocolate chips and some nuts. Then she handed us blue bowls with plain oatmeal. She gave us each a cup with orange juice in it with a straw. Peggy sat down. I was about to stuff a spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth.

"Eh, hem" grunted Steve. I paused and looked at him confused.

"Oh sorry," I put down my spoon gently. I took hands with Peggy and Steve. They closed their eyes.

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