Morgans Marvel 1

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Chapter 1

~my life~

My name is Morgan Stark, daughter of Pepper and Tony Stark. My dad gave up his life to save the world. If you don't know who he was, he was Iron Man. I loved him so much. I am twenty years old, turning twenty-one on my father's birthday which is May 29th 2030 and that is in two days. After my father died my mom put everything of his away. I knew what he was and I wanted to be like him. As a young girl, I didn't understand that my father was actually gone. But when I was thirteen, my mother told me about his death.

One day when I was about sixteen years old, I found where my mother had hidden his stuff. I decided to take it. I went into his old laboratory that he had shown me when I was little. My mom followed and saw what I was doing. She got so angry.

I told her, "I am not little anymore and I want to fight like dad did!"

She just stood there and had tears in her eyes, resigning herself to the idea that I was going to do this. She came up to me, put her hands on my cheeks and told me, "Morgie, I don't want anything to happen to you. If something does... If anything does, we are going to stop." Then she told me something that made it harder for what I wanted to do, " Why can't you just be normal like all the other kids around you. I don't want to see you get hurt." All I could say was, "I am not like the other kids. I am the daughter of Iron Man. I am not normal."

I had been waiting for this day my whole entire life. Finally my mom told me I could fight like my dad did. I quickly went down to the lab and made some improvements on Dad's suit. Then I tried it on. At first it was a little weird, but then I saw I could take my father's place.

Today I had plans to go visit an old friend of my dad's. I got in my dad's 2012 Stark Industries SuperCar. As I was driving I could not stop thinking about what my mom said. As I looked at my dad's helmet sitting on the car seat, I noticed these bracelets. As I put them on, I looked up and I was about to crash into a huge truck. I slammed on my brakes but it was too late. The car crashed and flipped. As I was hitting the ground I noticed that I didn't have any scrapes or bruises on me. I stood up shocked. I looked at my hands and saw an outline of my dad's armor. I had no idea the bracelets would put the armor on me. I could tell the car was too damaged to ride to my destination.Then I saw a person getting out of the truck. I didn't want anyone to know who I was, so I used the suit to fly as fast as I could to the only person I knew that would understand me. (Even though my dad and he didn't get along all the time.) I landed on his front porch. I knocked. An old man about eighty-eight years old came out with his wife who was about his age.

He said to me, "Wow, I haven't seen that suit for a while, kid."

"Heavens no", added his wife. He looked around to see if anyone had followed me or seen me.

He whispered, "Come inside." As I stepped into his house he walked straight to this blue, red, and white shield. He took the shield off the wall and on the wall was a lever. He pulled the lever. The wall opened, and said, "Welcome Steve."

His wife said to me, "He has not done this for a while." Then she gave me a sweet smile. I walked to the shield.

I followed him through the door. I walked down the stairs where his wife was waiting for me. She cautioned me and said,

"Everything you see, the world thinks is gone. So don't tell anyone." I looked and I saw all of Captain America's uniforms and one of his shields that had been broken in the battle of Titans.

He empathized to me, "Welcome to Cap's world!"

His wife chuckled and said, "Oh man, what's your problem, Cap! It's not called Cap's world, this is Steve Roger's ManCave. '' The man was Steve Rogers (Captain America) his wife was Peggy Carter. She had worked for the SSR.

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