Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

~the world/mine~

The next morning, I walked down the stairs. Peggy was making breakfast and Steve was watching the news.

"Whats on?" I asked.

"Something about a pretty bad thief," he responded.

"Yeah, they saw it around your area," Peggy added from the kitchen.

"Do we know what he or she looks like?" I asked, thinking of last night.

"They have an outline of him running but nothing close up. He was hurt badly in his arm," Steve said. The image came up on the TV of the guy's outline. I gasped. Is that? No? My eyes lit up.

"Have you seen him before?" Peggy asked, coming in drying her hands.

"I don't think so," I declined.

"Hm well you probably should keep your house locked up," Steve emphasized.

"Ok well that's enough news. I made breakfast. How would a smoothie and cereal sound?" Peggy asked, changing the subject.

"Yes please," I smiled.

"Count me in," Steve said, turning off the tv.

I went and sat down at the island in the kitchen.

"So where is Nick planning to put you guys today?" Peggy asked Steve and me.

"Uh, I am not sure. He is gonna fly us over to the middle of New York today." I responded.

"He is planning on bringing you over to the police station so they can test and see how you fight with some of their criminals," Steve added.

"Oh really?" I asked. He nodded and put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"Well, I am sure our new captain will do amazing," Peggy smiled encouragingly.

"Thanks," I took a sip of my smoothie.

"This is really good!" I exclaimed. Steve leaned over.

"It's good everyday," he whispered to me. Peggy smiled.

"How's your mom doing?" Peggy asked.

"I should call her this morning." I remembered. I grabbed my phone and took a big sip of my smoothie. I leaned my phone up on a vase so Peggy and Steve could see.

"Hi honey!" mom said happily.

"Hi mom!" I exclaimed. Steve and Peggy said hi as well.

"The doctor said I could get out early if everything goes smoothly in the surgery today," mom said.

"Oh that's good!" I rejoiced.

"It is. How are you doing?" she asked.

"I am --- doing good but I miss you. I am ready for today!" I replied.

"Well that's good. Morgan, a doctor, just walked in so I got to go darling, I love you and have a good morning with Steve and Peggy. Remember I am with you and so is dad!" Mom explained.

"Ok, love you mom!" I hung up the call.

"Well kiddo, how about after breakfast we can shoot some hoops until you have to go? Peg, you are welcome to join us?" Steve asked. I nodded.

"Oh you want me to join you and win again? Huh?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Oh come on, you don't always win," Steve said. "She always wins," he whispered in my ear. Peggy shook her head jokingly.

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