Is that even too selfish?

I tried to get rid of Rabiya's presence, but I can't!

My heart says yes for her and my mind says no.

What should I choose? My heart or my mind?!

My instincts are already killing me!

I can't choose.

Why do I need to feel this way?!

"It's okay Chalisa, we got you." Mai said.

She hugged me.

"Philippines is being open now when it comes to this kind of discussions, maybe, you will have the chance."

I shook my head, it will never happen.

"Rabiya will only choose a man, he will love and fall for a guy."

I sighed heavily.

I want to stop this feeling!

I want to stop falling for her!

But the more I get rid of her, the more I wanted her for me.

Am I really crazy?! Or it's just that infatuation?!

"Your smile is different kha, when I saw you last month stalking Rabiya, you are really happy, blushing, the feeling that no one can really explain, kha, don't force yourself to stop the feeling you have for her. We love to see you happy and Rabiya is the reason of that smile."

NJ is right, why should I stop?

Maybe I just need to lessen the expectation that she will fall for me.

The feeling of hopelessness needs to be there so that I will not expect too much when I see her.

Maybe I should answer her message after this interview and to say hi to her.

(After 2 hours)

After the interview I went to my hotel and relaxed for a bit.

The questions are a bit tough but funny.

I opened my IG and there I saw Rabiya on my dm.

[Hi Amanda! Are you just going to see zone me again? Kidding! How are you?]

Rabiya sent to me.

Oh, maybe, I became too harsh to her.

I-I am so so-sorry Rabiya.

What the?! I didn't expect that she will message me again.

I thought she's more busy than me.

How would I respond to this?

Do I need to respond to her after I ignored her last?


You need to make it up to her Amanda!

Don't lose her because of your pride of not falling in love.


I will reply to her!

[Hi Rabiya, I am sorry that I didn't respond to your message last two months. How are you by the way?]

I sighed heavily.

Wow, it's like a burden that I didn't answer her.

And now I am totally free!

The feeling of excitement is what I am feeling right now!

My Rival EnchantressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon