Chapter 1--Before the Ball

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Well, you are here on Chapter 1--so I am guessing you liked the prologue enough to keep reading. I hope you like it. I honestly had this crazy dream last night and I wanted to get it into words ASAP. If you like it--please comment and share. Let me know what you think--mean or nice I guess haha prefurably nice. Be constructive though. 

Lots of love y'all. :) 


“Mom! Why do I need to attend this party?” I called down the stairs to my mother with wet hair and a robe on, dreading this party “for the light”.

This so called light ball was tonight and I did not want to go. This extreme debutante ball that occurred once a year for the prissy and brown nosing mean and more beautiful girls to shamelessly flirt with men that were full of themselves and thought that they were God's given gift to all women of the light. I was not pretty, I was a shy introvert dedicated to my room and movies; living in a world of shadowed and light.

Oh, let me explain that...A long time ago something changed in our world. Something strange, that no one really knows what happened. After things changed, so did the world. We were only allowed outside during the day—as night fell you were to go in your house at night with all lights on (you can imagine the power bill) When things changed it became all about schools for those in the light, and to prepare for the day to fight for the light. Don't get me wrong. I have read books of the past and history and not much had changed—except for that of light and that of dark.

They say the way things changed is one day a group made a decision with something or someone of the night. Someone who had dark intentions to change the world to ultimate darkness. The few that joined began to gather an army and it grew and grew into a large family, a large army. Until one day one of the shadows and one of the light fell in love; a forbidden love. As you can imagine each side of the family was not happy and killed them and began to war with each other in the dark and in the light.

Both sides battled and the light conquered for the most part, but the shadowed people are still out there. They don't come out—only at night in the shadows. They can touch and fight, but you cannot see them in the dark, in the light you can only see their shadow. All I know is my theory is whoever made that deal became a soul, a wandering soul that grew, and somehow continued to grow.

“Honey, you know you have to go. It is required of all females at 18 years old to go,” My mother declared., yelling back up the stairs“Maybe you will meet the man of your dreams.” She began walking up the stairs, smiling her beautiful smile. Her blond hair glowing as if a halo were cloaking her in light. Wearing a beautiful emerald green gown, already ready for the ball.

I scoffed at that. I had never met any man that was actually interested in me. Brown hair, green eyed messy, jean clad, tennis shoe wearing me.

“If you continue to roll your eyes, they will stick that way,” mom said making her way to me. She grabbed my shoulders and placed a small kiss on my head. Rubbing her hands up and down my arms as if to warm them. “Aryana, you know you must go. Your father expects you to be there and to be on your best behavior, to look your best, and represent the light, to glow like the bright spot in mine and his life like you are. Now, let's go to your room, get your hair done, makeup on, and dressed.” She said as she let me to my bedroom.

It only took 2 hours to apparently “get me to perfection” as my mother put it. I looked in the mirror. I am glad my mother went minimal on the makeup. I will admit I look beautiful. I felt beautiful—more beautiful than I have ever felt. My makeup flawless with hints of pink and a glowing shimmer to my eyes. My mother decided to curl my hair and then braided little pieces, and then coiled it into a low bun just above my shoulders with a few tendrils framing my neck and face. Then she placed me into an elegant light pink; almost white dress. It was beautiful, the fabric felt soft and light. It was strapless with a sweetheart line. The bust being beaded with light pink beads, with a jewel encrusted belt at the waist, leading to a flow skirted area reaching to the floor. I admired myself in the mirror. Finding a new strength to attend this ball. Maybe, just maybe I will find someone there tonight.

“Alright, one last touch,” My mother said, bringing out a pair of very tall pink stilettos to go with the dress.

“Uhhhh mom, are you planning on me dying tonight?” I asked her.

“No sweetheart, you will not die in these. They aren't that bad.” She left them on the bed for me to put on. She left for me to finish up with the shoes. I tried them on, I really did, and I stood up and immediately tripped catching myself. Yeah, this is not going to happen...I took off the shoes and went to my good go to Toms. I was not going to a ball only to be falling and being made fun of.

I left my room, feeling good about myself and ready for the ball.

“Just in time, my darling girl,” My dad said as I made my way down the stairs to my father and mother waiting for me. When I made it to the last step my dad took my hand, kissed the top and spun me around admiring my dress. “You look beautiful Aryana. I am pleased with the woman you have become.” He said, kissing my cheek. “Let us get to that ball huh. They can't really start without me ya know.”

He grabbed my mothers hand, and I followed behind them making our way to the car, and yes it was dark outside, but every light was out for tonight. Brightening the sky at night like I had never seen before. We got into the lighted car not knowing that deep with in the crack of the shadows was a few members of the dark watching, waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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