Bill scowled, shaking his head. He said nothing as he turned back inside, leaving Francis alone once more. A few minutes passed before another set of footsteps came from behind.

Francis sighed, "Yeah, yeah. Don't start your lecture, old man. I'm coming in."

"Francis, I'm not here to lecture you," Louis replied.

Francis raised an eyebrow, turning around to face Louis, "Well why are you here? Got nothing better to do than watch me mope about my girlfriend?"

Francis made the jab at his own expense, hoping to hide his insecurity about the subject and avoid talking about his feelings.

Louis shook his head, "No, I'm not here to watch you mope. We need to talk about what happened between you and your girl."

Francis groaned, "I already told you, I don't wanna talk about it. We got separated and I'm just trying to find her! What don't you people get?"

"What I don't get is why you're so hung up on what happened.You've been searching everywhere and slowing us down like hell. What makes you so desperate to find her? It's not like she couldn't have gotten herself to an evac, right?"

Francis' frown deepened, he didn't say anything for a moment, "She... couldn't have, actually. She was in a coma the last time I got news from her parents about her. I wasn't allowed in the room for a lot of reasons..."

Louis withered, "... Oh. I... I'm sorry, man."

Francis stood up fully, grabbing his gun, "Don't be, it isn't your fault. I just... I can't help but worry- who's to say the hospital she was at had an evac, what if she got sick?" Francis sighed, "I just can't stop thinking about her safety. I need to find her, make sure she's okay."

Louis nodded, "Yeah, no I get it now, I do. If you want I can ask Bill to maybe go easier on you."

"I'll tell him myself," Francis said, nudging past him to get inside, "I need to get my head in the right place anyways."


"Alright, I think this is a good place to split up and look for supplies," Bill said, reloading his gun, "Why don't you come with me, Francis?"

"Hang out with an old man, of my own free will? I would never," Francis joked.

"Well, if I leave you with Louis, you'll kill him, if I leave you with Zoey, she'll kill you. I'm your last option, son."

Francis huffed, feigning irritation, "Whatever."

Bill smirked, "Well suck it up buttercup, and follow me, we've got a lot to do before sundown so we'd better hurry up."

Francis smiled, picking up his shotgun and shooting a nod in Zoey and Louis' direction, "Watch yourselves out there you two, wouldn't want you getting hurt."

Zoey nodded back, "Will do."

"Ditto!" Louis called to them.

The two watched Francis and Bill's forms fade into the distance for a few moments longer before turning around and walking down the street.

Louis tilted his head, "You think we're gonna find anything interesting?"

Zoey shrugged, shooting a smoker from a rooftop, "Who knows? Anything can happen to us."

Louis laughed, "Yeah, I guess so."


Louis and Zoey had been exploring around for the past few hours. They, unfortunately, hadn't found much, only retrieving a couple of health packs for their efforts.

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