Chapter One

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Dudley Dursley was never happy to look back on his past. There were moments when he'd remember something from his days as Big D and physically wince thinking about the pain he'd caused. There were two things he knew for certain. He never wanted that to be how he was remembered, and he never wanted his children to feel the pain he made other children feel. With that in mind, he didn't know whether to be angry or saddened when he got a call from his children's primary school saying his daughter had gotten herself onto the roof.

He made the very important call whilst driving to the school. When he got there he didn't like the awfully nostalgic feeling when he saw his daughter up on the roof. 

"Flora!" He shouted running towards the building with his wife in tow. "Hun please come down!"

"I don't know how daddy!" She called looking over the edge of the roof. "I don't even know how I got up here!"

Dudley groaned and his wife Marie turned to him, "Where's Harry? You said he knew how to help!" 

"I already called him! I cant control how fast he-" He hears a pop and looks around the side of the school, "Harry! Thank God!"

Harry Potter hadn't seen his cousin since the previous December when he brought his children over to see their cousins. He typically keeps their interactions to a minimum but when he heard why Dudley was calling he knew he had to make an exception.

"Hey Big D," Dudley flinches "Where is she?" he asks looking at the visible side of the roof.

Dudley motions to the front of the building, "She's up over there." They began over to the front, "She doesn't know how she got herself up there, but you and I do." he looked up at his daughter his face filled with concern, "Please get her down."

Harry placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder, "I'll get her down just distract the professors so I can do it without anyone seeing how." 

The couple nods Marie stepping forward, "I can do that."

She walks away from her husband and his cousin to behind the professors. She begins to breathe in loud and ragged manner. 

"How have you not found a way to get her down yet?" they all turn to her, "I'll have your necks for this! I put my children in your hands five days a week! Ten months a year!" Harry slips out his wand, "Goddammit you lot see her more than I do! Yet you somehow manage to allow her to get onto the roof!" He mutters the levitation charm and begins to lower Flora down, "Wait till your executives hear about this!" Flora's feet touch the ground and she latches onto her father.


The sound of her voice makes all the professors turn away from the crying girl's mother.

"Thank you, Harry!" Marie calls running towards her husband and daughter, "Well then," She turns to the bewildered professors, "We'll be back for Elm at three." Her husband picks up their daughter and they enter their car and drive away.

Harry turns to the educators and shrugs, "Those Dursleys are an odd bunch huh?" 

The group nods as Harry walks out of view apparating home. ready to tell Albus his cousin will be joining him at Hogwarts later this year.

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