I enter my room and can smell faintly Lily's sweet scent. Against my will, my cock begins to harden and I push those thoughts away. I don't have time for a cold shower. I eye the costume on my bed, it's a mass of white polyester. I hold it up and my brain refuses to register what this is. That can't be right. I thought she'd make me a pirate or an astronaut. Something cool.

Not a fucking buck tooth snowman.

I decide to shower and confront her afterwards. Now I'm all agitated and I need to relieve myself anyway. Her scent in my room has my wolf going wild. I take as quick of a shower as I can, stroking my cock furiously until I reach completion then dress hurriedly before searching out Lily. As I exit my room, she's just coming out of hers.

She's wearing a long, blue sparkly dress with smoky eye makeup and her long blonde hair done into a large braid that's sitting over one shoulder. She's got on sparkly silver heels, making the top of her head as tall as my shoulders. She looks stunning.

"Where's your costume?" She asks. I snap back to reality.

"Yeah. About that. I can't wear that I'll look ridiculous." She rolls her eyes and scoffs before putting her hands on her hips.

"It's for the children Liam. Who cares how you look. Besides it's a group costume and that was the only one left. I didn't think you'd want to be involved so I didn't offer you a choice."

"A group costume?"

"Yes. Sam, Callum and Kara are all included as well."

"How is a snowman part of a group costume?"

"I'm the fucking ice queen and you're my God damn snowman!" Her voice starts to go up a few octaves and I am almost legitimately afraid of her.

"Well, I'm still not going to wear it." She shrugs and walks away from me.

"That's fine. It doesn't surprise me." That little quip makes my gut squirm but I'm not backing down now. I refuse to walk around my pack looking like an idiot.

I follow her down the stairs just as the first children begin to arrive. A little boy in a Superman costume spots Lily and his eyes light up.

"Luna!" He yells as he runs toward her. She bends down to scoop him up in her arms and twirls around with him smiling.

"Ben! You look fantastic!" She smiles at him warmly before nuzzling her cheek against his and giving him a little peck on the forehead. Ben's mother follows her son over to Lily, who she also hugs and she nuzzles her cheek as well.

I see Callum and Kara on the other side of the room, Kara wearing a purple dress with black boots and Callum wearing some kind gray snow outfit. Sam struts in shortly after wearing a reindeer costume.

What the fuck?

"How come Alpha's not wearing a costume?" Ben asks Lily quietly, even though I can still hear him.

"Don't mind him, he's just a party pooper." Lily whispers back.

"He doesn't like us, does he?" Ben asks with a sad look on his face. Lily's smile fades and I feel my heart breaking. I walk over to them and take Ben from Lily, throwing him into the air and catching him. He giggles before I set him back down.

"I'll be right back." I say tweaking his nose. "I was running a little late and I need to go put my costume on." Ben's face brightens while Lily eyes me skeptically. I hurry up the stairs and change into the God awful costume. As I walk back down the stairs I can tell quite a few more people have shown up. As soon as my foot hits the last step, all eyes turn towards me. All the children's eyes widen and they scream in unison.


And then I am attacked. Every child wants a piece of me and I swear my wolf is more terrified than the time we took on four rogues by ourselves. But when I look over at Lily and see the smile on her face, I know it's worth it.

I stay at the party for awhile, playing games with the kids and eating snacks before it's time to lead the pack run.

"Sam! We gotta go!" I yell across the room at my reindeer beta.

"But Alpha! I haven't bobbed for apples yet! Or carved a pumpkin!" He whines like a five year old. Actually, I shouldn't say that. It'd be an insult to five year olds.

"You're pack leadership Sam. You need to help me lead the run." He huffs and stomps his foot before walking out the front door. I head over to Lily to say goodbye.

"We have to go on the run now." I say trying to take her attention from the child who's face she's painting a ghost on. She glances up at me before turning back to the child.

"OK, bye." She says.

"Could you come over here for a second please." She huffs and stands to follow me a few feet away.

"You did a great job with this party. The packed loved it. Thank you." She shrugs and crosses her arms

"It was fun."

"You look beautiful by the way." She starts to snicker and I narrow my eyes at her.

"What?" I ask.

"I can't take you seriously when you're dressed like that." I chuckle with her and even though I need to go, I don't want to.

"You know, everyone in this pack smells like you and it's irritating my wolf. Can you rub my cheek too?" She eyes me suspiciously before nodding.

She leans forward and I meet her halfway. When our cheeks touch, an explosion of sparks travels all through my body. I hear her gasp and she pulls away.

"What the hell was that?" She asks. I fight the urge to grab her and hold her close to me.

"The mate bond." I struggle to respond.

"Oh." She says. "Enjoy your run." I nod and exit the house where the pack is waiting to start our run. I turn around to see the party goers all watching, Lily standing on the porch with a little girl on her hip. An image of her holding a little girl with my brown hair and her blue eyes hits me, and for the first time a deep longing for that stirs in my gut. I shake the feeling away and shift, purposely shredding that stupid costume.

The Human's AlphaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя