Chapter 3

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". . . This does not suit me in the slightest."

"What're you talking about! It fits you like a--"

"Like a claustrophobic fat man who had inhaled methamphetamine for the 5th time."

". . . What an odd but seemingly accurate simile."

The priest wore a skintight suit that was too tight on the boy that it made breathing very difficult, with Himeko overlooking the boy. Despite being tasked as the 'assistant captain', it was the secretary that was more in line with such an occupation. Instead, the boy played as the errand boy/guard, as Himeko assigned him to be, much to the boy's disappointment.

He truly thought he had some skill as an assistant captain, due to his non-existent charisma and non-existent handsome looks. He was good looking, but not on the level of being extremely charming, and more often than not, people had the capability to mistake him as a girl now, which he disliked.

Must the difference of tradition in Japan and Europe, the boy assumed.

"Can I not wear this into battle? This is too tight and does not help me in battle," the boy inquired.

"Then what're you gonna wear when we need to deploy you? You need protection," Himeko replied.

"You're saying that as if my life isn't expendable."

That seem to hit one of Himeko's buttons, as she proceeded to grab the boy's collar and slammed him to the wall.

"So you think your life is nothing more than just that?! An expendable resource?!" She exclaimed, silencing any chatter in the Hyperion as her voice echoed through it. The only other faint noise heard other than from Himeko's office was from the hub, where the crew members continuously type on the keyboard in a feverous attempt in obtaining data and sending it to Shicksal's database. Soren seemed surprised at the woman's sudden outburst, before smiling soon after.

"I am quite happy that you do not think human lives as expendable."

Surprised at the boy's smile and statement, she soon let go of him, calming herself down. All the while the boy took off the suit, showing off red marks as a result of the suit, while also being almost naked if not for the existence of his white boxers.

"Well, what did you expect? You have much to live for. Speaking of, why exactly did you accept Bishop Otto's order to become my assistant when I have my own secretary? Isn't that just a conflict of jobs?" Himeko asked, ignoring the fact that there was a borderline naked boy that was dressing up in his priest getup so casually in front of her.

"It may seem so. And I do have places to take care of."

"If so--"

"But I only had them if I did not ask for Bishop's help. He accepted, under the condition that I. . ." The boy let Himeko knew what he wanted to say.

". . . Accept his offer of fighting against the Honkai."

"Correct. He knew of my resistance against the Honkai, or rather, he knew me since way back, way back when I was born."

"You two must have some sort of history together."

"Only when I turned 6. That is where he arrived and saved me."



"I see. Did you prepare your weapons?"

"You gave me those, thinking that it was an appropriate weapon for me to wield."

Glancing to the side, the two saw a halberd with only one side having the head of an axe, and a revolver that seem rather antique with a chain taped onto the hilt.

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