155. Troubling Mess

Start from the beginning

"Why did you attack him?" The officer questioned.

"He was going to hurt Hinata, " Kageyama replied, his voice breaking from trying not to yell at the officer.

"Why do you say that? We watched the security footage. It did not appear that he was going to hurt him.

Kageyama froze for a second. His brain trying to think of a way to answer him.

"He hurt him when he was a kid... and at the zoo, Hinata released fear pheromones... I wanted to protect him."

The officer stared at Kageyama for a second and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Do you have anyone that can verify that he was a threat to your omega?" He finally asked.

Kageyama thought for a second before nodding.

"My dad was his counselor after the incident happened,"

"Would your father be willing to come down here and talk to us?" The officer asked.

Kageyama nodded.

The officer slid a notepad in front of him.

"Write down the phone number."

Kageyama took a pen and scribbled the number down. As he finished, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," the officer said, and the door creaked open. In the doorway stood Kiko Hinata's nurse. She looked slightly frazzled.

"Officer Tailor, if you are finished, the doctor wanted to speak with him," she said and stared at Kageyama.

"Let me call his father, then he can go," he replied.

Kiko nodded and headed away from the room.

"Stay here. I'm going to make that phone call," the officer said and stood up. He left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Daichi and Kageyama sat in silence for several moments before Daichi broke it.

"What were you thinking?" He asked, a hint of anger in his voice making Kageyama sink down into the chair.
"You almost killed somebody... you could have been in jail, and you could still go to jail," this time, Daichi's voice sounded stern, like he was holding back his actual anger.

Kageyama became angry. He felt like no one understood his actions. Like no one cared that the only thing he had been doing was protecting Hinata.

"You've never had to protect Suga, so how would you understand?!" He finally shouted, his anger getting the best of him.

Daichi let out a growl.

"You don't know that!" He yelled, causing Kageyama to realize he made a mistake.

Daichi calmed down and stood up. He stretched his arms above  his head then placed them on the table.

"Last year when we were second years. We went to an amusement park. There was a guy who started to follow us. I wanted to tell him to stop, but suga didn't want me to cause a scene. We were standing in line for the Ferris wheel, and the wind took the tickets out of my hand. I went chasing after them... The guy who had been following us made his move and grabbed Suga by the arm and tried to drag him away." Daichi paused for a moment and took a breath before continuing.

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