Anxiety is a bitch

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Its been a week since my solo performance and man has my anxiety sky rocketed. I spoke to Namjoon-hyung about it and he asked if I'm on medication for it. Which I explained its the one medication I'm not on. Yep. I have a bag full of meds and the one issue I need meds for most... I don't have meds for. Well as of yet. I'm currently sat in the waiting room of my GP waiting to discuss my 'issues' I was due an appointment anyways to check on my weight gaining process. I don't remember whether I mentioned it before but due to the 'trauma' my uncle put me through I developed not only depression but also an eating disorder. So, I come to the GP once every two to three months for a check up. It used to be more regular but since it's been a while It hasn't been as much. Eventually I don't believe I'll need to even go to these check ups. That's what my goal is. Well my goal other then being a musician.
"Kim Jason. Come to room 48 on floor 5 left corridor please. I repeat Kim Jason please come to room 48 on floor 5 left corridor. Mr Micheals is ready for your appointment. Thank you" the lady at the reception announced on the speaker in a dull bored tone.
Mr Micheals prescribed me some medication to help calm my anxiety done as well as more meds for my anorexia and depression. Yes I'm on meds due to my anorexia. I now have to take tablets which help my body absorb food. Due to the damage I have done to my body I can't absorb food like I used to be able to. I actually have damaged my stomach so much that my stomach is particularly paralysed. I'm lucky that right now I don't need a feeding tube since my medication seems to be working but if for any reason it stops then I need to go to hospital right away.
Anyways I better ring one of the boys for a lift or call an uber if they're busy.
I took out my phone and rang the first number I saw which happened to be Tae-hyung. He answered right away.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Oh, hey yh.. uh .. need a lift if that's okay. If-i-if your busy that's fine!"
"Nah, I'm free. Where are you? I'll come pick you up now."
"I'm at hopes surgery"
"Okay, I'm on my way. Be there in 10"
I hung up and sighed in relief.

Well guess I have to wait now.

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