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Castiel strolled through the park. The sun was shining, the sky was the perfect blue, the bees were weaving in and out of the flowers. Normally this was his favorite heaven, an autistic mans endless outing when he was flying a kite. but not today. He entered a rainy day inside a cozy apartment. Soft pitter patter of steadily falling rain drops on the window. The smell of fresh cookies filled the room and a cat purred as it
lounged on the couch next to its owner, who was reading a book. Another nice heaven ,he thought, but nothing suited his mood.
"Is there something troubling you, Castiel?"
"No Anna, just thinking...never mind that. Do you require something of me?" he said turning to the angel standing behind him.
"Yes. Something is stirring on the surface and we need you back down there. I know you just got back but..."
"It's fine. Where must i go?" responded Castiel. Little did she know that he liked it in the world of the living. Heaven was beautiful and at peace but you seldom got to see that spark that makes humans so entertaining.
"....the war is raging on in Germany. that is not our concern but the demon filth is planning something. they have gained so many souls in so little time and they may be up to something. We need you back in England to keep an eye on things. Zachariah thinks that heaven will receive lots of souls if any more countries join the war.."
"We hav found you a vessel, a young man that will suit you just fine. And Castiel remember to report anything important to us, dont meddle or get involved, and dont get attached because they are just violent, irrational beings."
Castiel was now George Stanton, 19 years old, a tall but skinny brunette, in England during the early 1940s. He was standing outside an enlistment building for the army and smoking a cigarette. Cas threw down the cigarette (he didnt understand why humans liked them so much). He turned around an walked into the building. The room was hot and crowded full of men all shapes and sizes. He stood behind a tall, black man with brood shoulders. The man turned around, revealing a smile and bright, grey eyes. "Hello there, so why r u enlisting?" He said to cas. "because it is my duty", cas replied frankly, "and you?" "Im here to kick some Nazi ass" he retorted, chuckling. "My name is Callum" the man said as he held out his hand. "Im Castiel" Cas replied but before he could say much more someone called next and Callum was off to turn in papers and pass a physical inspection. Cas walked up to the desk to give them his papers and followed the assistant into a room in the other hallway. The doctor walked into the room, looked Cas up and down, and retrieved his papers. " your first time seeing war? " "no, i have seen plenty of wars fought" replied Cas. The doctor paused to think about what Cas had said before continuing. " well there is nothing here that would disqualify you so you are free the go and more information about training will be sent in the mail. I'm sorry to say this won't be your last war." Castiel stood up to leave and muttered under his breath, " no it won't be the last. There never will be my last."

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