Jormungandr, the Huge Monster

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Harry wanted to say many other things, but Sirius was enough for now. He felt wanted and loved.

"Pup, I also want to talk about your tattoo. Remus found more information and it's not all positive. I don't want to upset you, but I want to be honest with you. Remus is back home tonight, let's talk then. " Sirius gave Harry a short smile.

"Don't fret about it, we've got you. Let's go downstairs now, I'm sure Molly has already finished lunch."


Lunch was a chaotic affair. The Hogwarts students were all busy packing and preparing for the upcoming school year. Ron was frantically writing essays all day. Ron reminded Harry of a squirrel who, at the end of winter, no longer knew where he buried his nuts. Hermione was also busy with her assignments, she was busy checking everything endlessly. Both sat with their schoolwork on their lap at lunch. Ginny and the twins were mainly collecting clothes, getting up from the table regularly to pick up a forgotten pair of pants or shirt and put it in their trunk. Harry had long since completed his assignments, even confident about the essay for Snape. In House Black's library, he had found a great book full of the properties of potion ingredients. With this fine overview, he had written a balanced account of the reactions of non-human hair in a Polyjuice Potion and why the transformation could fail so spectacularly. His experiences from his second year, along with this handy booklet - which was now snugly in his trunk - had resulted in a perfect essay.

So Harry was relaxing and enjoying a delicious lunch when an owl appeared in front of the window. It was the same owl again, with that stern look full of impatience. Sirius opened the window and let the owl in. After some detecting spells, the owl's package was approved. The Blakiston Fish Owl flew majestically to Harry and carefully placed a package with holes in it in front of Harry. As the package moved, Harry began to doubt his Gryffindor tendencies again. Was it smart to just open the package? But then he heard it, a voice from the package.

~ "Let me out! I will burn you!" ~ spoke a hoarse voice.

~ "It is not wise to threaten someone when you are still trapped in a box." ~ Harry said in a sing-song voice.

Harry took the package and opened it. A grey / black snake slipped out of the box in a regal manner. His head was black and his eyes were red like hot coals. His body left a grey discoloration on the table as if ash remained.

"Do you know what that is?" Ron asked in a slightly hysterical voice.

"That's an Ashwinder! That's a Class Three Magical Creature, but – but that's dangerous! He could explode any minute, Harry! They lay their eggs and then decay within an hour. I don't see any eggs, so it could burst into flames at any time!" Ron's voice had come to resemble a squeaky girl's voice, and he looked as if he were seeing a hundred spiders at once.

"Ron is right, Harry. This creature is dangerous." Hermione said in a know-it-all tone.

"I read in 'Hogwarts a History' that headmaster Dippet once used an Ashwinder during a pantomime, it was enlarged with an 'Engorgio' and then exploded spectacularly. Many students ended up in the hospital wing. It is truly a volatile creature." She looked at it disapprovingly.

Harry had already stopped listening, he looked in wonder at the beautiful little creature. He looked into the box and pulled out a note. He started to laugh out loud. It was a full, rich laugh. He looked at the surprised faces at the table.

"The package comes from a friend. He tells me that the Ashwinder in the box is already three years old. He likes to eat hot coals, but he really loves burnt mice. This snake has never laid an egg, and it is already three years old and has been stable for years. He's an outsider and apparently suits me very well. " Harry shook again with laughter.

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