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Narrator :                                                                                                                                                                                                     After the compliment he gave you, you were blushing all night long, Ashwin and you had a lot of conversation. He gave you the feeling of "more than friends".                   The party was almost done.                                                                                      

Vishnu : Y/N, Hey beautiful ! its almost time for last dance you wanna join.

Ashwin POV,                                                                                                                                                                                                     What ?? Dance is fine !! Inviting her to dance with him is so not fine. Y/N just say no, She saw me for my approval. I gave her zero sign. It was up to her. She can dance, if she chooses to.

You : oh sure !!! Ashwin you too join us.

Ashwin POV,                                                                                                                                                                                                     Oh no !!! She's going to dance with him and she calls me over. Fine, she can dance with whomever she wants.       

pov you:

ashwin was not ready to dance with me anyways........ so vishnu and i started dancing we sang the lyrics heartffully as we danced it was such a soulful moment. there was a moment when the song changed from peppy to romantic......vishnu looked at my eyes...... i couldnt help but fall for his calm grey eyes. he gestured me to hold his hands i did...... few seconds later he moved towards me while getting his other hand towards my waist....... a moment before he could hold my waist a strong hands from the other side pulled me away from vishnu's hold........

you: ashwinnnnn..... whats wrong with u 


he dragged you out of the hotel to the parking lot..... he was so strong that you couldn't escape his hold...... u kept asking him why what and a lot of questions but he was silent all the time......

All he did was....
opened the car door asking u to get in)

you:ashwin whats wrong with you

ashwin(louder than ever): get in y/n

you:no ashwin i have to say bye to vishnu and i need his phone number

(ashwin pushed u towards the car door held ur hands to ur back..... making u weak)\

(he came too close to ur lips and said)

Ashwin: "get in".

(the drive home was too silent..... you couldnt help but sleep)

*at ur doorway*

(ashwin looked at u sleeping)

pov ashwin:

ohhh gawwd this girl is such a magic....... ik i was too angry but watching her sleep makes me soooo peaceful....... she sleeps with her mouth open..... isn't that cute as hell.....i dont feel like waking her up just to watch her go i wanna go to sleep with her.

*rinnnggg ringgggg*

pov ashwin:

its her mom calling me

your mom: hello ashwin shes not picking her phone

ashwin: hii aunty, shes with me. our proggrame  isnt over yet. 

mom: can i talk to her

ashwin(not so happy to wake u up): ahhnnn..... aunty shes not here...... shes kinda busy styling hair for other memebers

mom: ohhh ok dear.... but its already too late when would she be coming home

aswin: i guess the shoot will be till morning..... and she would be needed by everyone 

mom: so she wont be home today?

ashwin: i guess its a no....

mom: ok dear ask her give me a call 

aswin: sure aunty

pov ashwin: phewwww why would i lie....... dang this girl needs a place to sleep now.... is it wrong if i offer my place.....

(narrator: aswin happier than ever drover you to his place)

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