Chapter Thirty Eight

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Josephine's blood-stained gown drew exclamation of shock when she and Hero entered Ashton House. While he ordered bath water and food to be delivered to their rooms, she glanced tiredly at the silver salver that held their mail.

Beside the letters was a small package from Mr. Barker, the goldsmith. Guessing that it had been hand-delivered, she opened the package. Inside was a velvet box containing the ring she'd commissioned for Hero.

She admired the twisting Celtic patterns, thinking that the ring was a good symbol for the complicated threads of their marriage. She closed the box and tucked it into her reticule, then took Hero's arm and headed up the stairs.

The hot water arrived in their rooms just after they did. Josephine loved the efficiency of Ashton House.

When the servants who'd brought the hot water were gone, Hero moved behind her to unfasten the ties of her gown. "Try not to fall asleep in the hip bath."

"No promises." Even though Elsa was turning into a good maid, Josephine liked the intimacy of Hero's fingers brushing her nape and lower back. "Birthing babies is tiring work." And never had it been so tiring as today. Josephine must be out of practice.

She moved behind the screen that concealed the gently steaming hip bath. Lady Sophie had created a special bath oil scented with the perfume she'd created for Josephine, so Josephine poured a few drops into the water. Every time she used the fragrance, she discovered new layers of complexity.

With a happy sigh, she pinned up her hair, then stepped into the bath, enjoying the exquisite welcome of the hot water as she sank down. The tub was large enough for her to immerse herself up to her chin.

Hero stepped around the screen. "Felix's admirable cook heard that you just delivered Lady Alice's daughter, so she sent up a lovely concoction of chilled champagne and orange juice. I thought you'd like some." He offered her a tall goblet of frothy orange drink. "To Lady Anne. May she grow up with health and happiness."

"To Anne." Josephine accepted the goblet and sipped the tart sweetness. "Mmm...sensual pleasure doesn't get better than this."

He grinned wickedly. "Never?"

"Well, hardly ever." Josephine studied her husband with sultry pleasure. He'd taken off his coat and cravat and she loved the informal, bedroom intimacy of seeing him in his shirt sleeves.

He said in a conversational tone, "If you don't stop looking at me that way, you will find your bath cut short."

'I'll be out soon." She teasingly raised one leg out of the water, curving her foot like a dancer.

"Not soon enough!" He bent and kissed her forehead, then trailed fingers down the inside of her leg.

She gasped. "The water feels much warmer!"

"Don't stay in so long that anything cools," he said meaningfully.

She almost got out of the tub and followed him away, but there was no rush, and anticipation would make consummation all the more satisfying.

Josephine returned to luxuriating in the warm, perfumed water and the champagne and cool, tangy drink. She must get the recipe for it.

Idly she glanced down at her breasts. The scars were mostly concealed by bath bubbles. Thanks to Hero, she was no longer repulsed by her body. She'd learn to accept that while the marks were ugly, they were part of her, and he didn't find her repulsive at all.

Josephine sipped again, thinking that she was having a very good day. Aiden had been accepted by both Lady Willow and the Earl, a beautiful baby had been safely delivered, and she could look forward to an afternoon of mutual seduction.

Never Less Than A Lady | Herophineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن