Chapter Thirteen

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Hero experienced his wedding in flashes of clarity, surrounded by a haze of unreality. Josephine looking lovely as the dawn in a rose-coloured gown with soft waves of chestnut hair framing her delicate features. Jack, one of the guests, coming alert as he noticed how attractive the bride was. Josephine's ice-cold hands as she tucked a sprig of her white heather nosegay into Hero's coat, whispering unevenly that it was for luck.

He felt nervous as a cat on a griddle. She must feel even more anxious since this was her second trip to the altar, and the first had been a disaster. The triumph of hope over experience.

His mind was very clear on how much of a gamble this marriage was-but his heart, soul, and every particle of his body wanted her. He'd given up trying to understand why. What mattered was that she was willing to trust him enough to say yes.

The wedding breakfast at Oliver's house was actually a wedding luncheon and lasted for several good-natured hours. As the guests and newlyweds laughed and joked and ate excellent food, Hero relaxed and the world began to seem normal again.

The feast ended when Oliver stood to make a toast. Raising his glass toward the bridal couple, he said with a grin, "I've known you for over twenty years, Hero, and I never thought you would show such good sense as to marry a woman like Josephine."

"I hadn't yet met Josephine, so I was unaware that I would want to marry." His gaze found hers, and they shared rueful amusement over all the complicated reasons that had brought them together.

More seriously, Oliver continued, "For this Scottish and English wedding, I offer a blessing in Gaelic and English." After uttering several sentences in rolling Gaelic, he said in English:

"May you be healthy all your days. May you be blessed with long life and peace, May you grow old with goodness and with riches."

"Thank you." Hero would settle for health, long life, and peace. Riches weren't necessary. As for the goodness -Josephine had enough for both of them. His gaze moved to the other guests. There was only a handful. Apart from Jack, they were friends and family of Oliver's, all of whom had met Josephine and fallen in love with her.

Raising his glass, Hero continued, "My thanks to all of you for coming and making today special." He finished his toast in one long swallow, then stood and bowed to his wife, unable to restrain his smile at the thought. His wife! "Since we will be leaving Edinburgh in the morning, milady, would you like to spend the rest of the afternoon exploring the city? You've not had much time to see it."

"I'd like that." Josephine rose and gave her own thanks to the guests, with a hug for Mrs Gowan. Then she collected a shawl and bonnet, and they left the townhouse.

They stepped into the quiet residential street. As usual in Scotland, the day was a mix of sunshine, swift clouds, and brisk temperatures. Josephine exhaled with relief. "It was a good celebration, but I'm glad to be alone with you. What would you like to see? Edinburgh Castle? Holyrood Palace? The twisty old streets and closes of the old town? Edinburgh isn't like any English city."

She took his arm. "I want to see it all!"

He chuckled. "Will you settle for as much as we can manage before we run out of time or stamina?"

"That will do." She frowned. "Or until your leg starts bothering you. You aren't using the cane today."

"Hardly a twinge left. You do good work." He studied Josephine's face. Lovely, serene, and a little haunted. My wife. As they turned into Princess Street, he said quietly, "I'm glad you didn't bolt, Jo."

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