The Final Battle

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Iris POV

We all ran together as Raina led the pack towards my old home. When we came close to the pack house we were met by a pack of all male members and in the second row were females. Raina ordered the pack to stop and said "We have come for your alpha, if you wish let us through and we will not hurt anyone if not its war." Some members back down while the rest stood tall. "Those of you who have chosen to back down please step aside, the rest get ready to battle." quickly the people who back down run as we charge at the rest start to attack us. All around me wolves battled each other whilst I ran looking for David. In the center of it all he he stood ordering his army to attack. I charged at but before I could bite him he swung around and bit me on the side and I fell. My wolf felt as weak as ever as he heckled me calling me weak, and useless just like before. But then I remembered that I am not that sacred little girl anymore I am the spirit of the moon. I get back up not as the girl I once was but as the moon spirit. I charge at David and catch him by surprise. He tries to fight back and continues to bight me but I am to strong and over power him. "Well what are you waiting for kill me!" he shouted. I was about to end him when I remembered Caleb's words 'if you do this you will be just as bad as him'. And I knew I couldn't do it. "WELL! DO IT!" he screamed "NO! I will not be like you!" I screamed and he said "Just like I thought weak!" "I am not weak for not killing you, I am strong because after all you did to me I still have a heart to forgive you. And I know if I kill you today I would be just like you, and why would I want to be a monster." with that I knocked him out and walked away. The battle around me had ended with only a few injuries. When I walked over to my pack, Caleb came up and said "I am proud of you." he hugged me and I said " Well I remembered your words and I don't want to be like him." I stayed in his embrace as the other joined us for a group hug.

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