If you mean to break my heart and watch me die, tell me why

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"Do we have to die starving? I'm hungry." George whined.

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Harrison. I wouldn't dream of sending someone to their death without food." She sweetly told him. George's face lit up with joy (even though everyone was about to die) as she grabbed some vanilla white sugar cookies from her purse, still holding them up at gunpoint. She first handed one to Ringo, then John, then Paul, and tried breaking the last cookie into pieces small enough for George to lift. While John and Paul were carefully examining their cookies for anything dangerous, Ringo just shrugged and ate his as you would normally eat a cookie. But eating it was the mistake.

Ringo started coughing nonstop and collapsed on the floor, gasping for air and sweating so hard, it looked as though someone poured water over him. The woman reporter grinned a devilish smile as everyone (including George, who jumped off the table carefully)else rushed to the poor drummer's side. "WHAT DID YOU BLOODY DO TO HIM!?!?" John shouted, slamming her against the wall.

"Oh now, don't get overexcited, Mr. Lennon. He's just been poisoned." She said nonchalantly.

"OVEREXCITED!?!? YOU- YOU BLOODY POISONED HIM!!!!!" He shouted once more.

"What- why? H- how long does he have you- you-?!?!" Paul shouted, trying to help Ringo.

"No need to get too wild, Mr. McCartney. He'll be around for a while, but let's just say he won't see tomorrow's sunrise." She said threateningly.

"GIVE HIM AN ANTIDOTE OR SOMETHING BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!" John shouted again, searching for some kind of antidote.

"Only I know where the antidote is, Mr. Lennon. What you're doing is about as useful as nothing. There's only one thing that will make me give the antidote to him. One thing-"

Okay, so this has been the most climactic chapter I've ever written in my opinion, so what do you think her "One thing" is? Let me know, and you could be right, could be wrong, but it never hurts to guess! :)

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