1| Broken

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Nancy's POV:-

" Nancy! Nancy please wait! " Ned shouted from behind me, but what was the use of it anyway? " Save it, Nickerson. It's over. Don't cry over the spilt milk. " I retorted back, stopping nonetheless. I turned around and came face to face with the devil. I could never believe Ned to do such a thing. Or two, should I say?

"I'm sorry Nancy. I-" He began but I cut him off. " You stole Mrs. Thumpkin's necklace. You're a thief, and you even threated her. Seriously Ned? How can you become a criminal? Besides, you love her daughter, Cerra, don't you? Then why are you chasing after me? I said, IT'S OVER! LEAVE ME ALONE! "

Ned looked taken aback by my sudden outburst, then put up a cold expression. " You're right. I don't want to follow you. I just came to tell you that if you give no time to the people who love you, and always indulge in sleuthing, better be alone, all by yourself. Bye, Nancy. I promise we will never see each other again. " By the end of his speech, tears were threatening to spill from my eyes. " I HATE YOU NED NICKERSON! " And with that, I slapped him, hard, and ran away.

Broken. That's what I felt now. Not because of Ned. But because tomorrow is my birthday but my mood was no where near happy.

Fifteen minutes to go...

I was not sad because Ned and I kinda argued and ended everything, but I was sad because he turned out to be the culprit of my recent case, Case of Mrs. Thumpkin's Stolen Jewellery. He was not perfect, but being a criminal for him was a far cry. Or atleast that's what I thought.

Ten minutes to go.....

And here I am, thinking how things ended the way they shouldn't have been. Ned was always the first to call me on my birthday. But now? I promise we will never see each other again..... I replayed his words in my mind. Why do I care? No, I absolutely don't. Get over it, Nancy. I scolded myself.

Five minutes to go.....

Well, if not Ned, Bess and George were sure as hell gonna call me. And my aunt. And.... the Hardys? Would they be the first to call me? Or would they forget my birthday? No no, of course not. I am their best friend after all.

One minute to go.....

My phone rang as Bess and George facetimed me. Did I tell they were away in Australia for George's baseball competition?

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, DETECTIVE DREW! " Bess screamed into the phone once I accepted the call. I smiled. " Thanks, bestie. " " Happy Birthday, Nancy! " George chimed in. If these was not the feeling of being loved, I don't know what is.

" So what are your plans? "
"  I am so sorry I am not there with you right now. "

Both cousins said at the same time. I laughed before replying, " I have no plans actually. Dad probably has work tomorrow and I can't imagine my birthday without Hannah's delicious waffles with honey syrup. You know how mouth watering those are. " Speaking of which, I was already on cloud nine. But the mood took a back flip as soon as Bess asked if Ned had wished me yet. Of course she would ask, he was always the first to call me. I narrated the incident to them, and got a lot of support from their ends. Apparently, they too believed it was for the better.

After talking for some more, we hung up, as I looked expectantly at my phone for the Hardy brothers to call. Had they forgotten? No, this can't be true. My thoughts got invaded just as I received a message from Frank.

Happy Birthday Nance! You awake? ~ Frank
Thanks a lot. Sure I am, who wouldn't be? :D ~ Me

As soon as I sent the message, my phone rang as the Hardy's name flashed on the screen. I broke into a wide grin before answering. " Hello? "

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! " Joe sang, while I could hear Frank murmuring "You're never gonna grow up" in the background. My grin turned goofy as I replied, " Thanks. I thought you're not gonna call. What took you so late? " Now it was Frank who answered, " Happy Birthday once again, Nance. And sorry for being late. It was because we were packi- sorry having dinner. " Was ge gonna say packing? Are they going somewhere? " It's alright, and thanks once again. How are you guys? I haven't heard from you two since the Los Angeles adventure. " It was true; I really missed them. I wonder when we would have our next adventure together?

A/N:- Sorry guys for the late update, but I hope you liked the chapter.
Could you ever imagine Ned becoming a thief?
And what was Frank going to say to Nancy before he rectified it and said they were having dinner?  🤔
Any ideas how Nancy's gonna celebrate her birthday?
Well, comment about your ideas, and see you in the next chapter.

granger197 ❤

Cruise & Bruise:- A Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora