"I wanted to see you. Where were you?? I've been waiting for an hour or so." he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I was out with Liam and Valerie." I said sitting on the other edge of the bed.

"In that dress??" he raised his eyebrows at my dress.

"Yes, in this very dress. Why do you care anyway?? And why are you here??" I asked him firmly folding my hands. He took a sigh and looked at me.

"I told you I wanted to see you." he said.

"Where have you been after cancelling our supposed lunch?? And I already know there was no family issue. You just blew me off. So save the lies." I said with a frown and he laughed. I raised my eyebrows at him and he controlled his laughter.

"Look I already told you why I don't want to be seen in public with you. I am not an immediate senior. And there are issues on being associated with me. I am keeping you away from troubles you don't want. Why do you want to publicize this??? WHYYY???" he said failing to make me understand and literally raising his voice at the end.

And in that moment I remembered Valerie's advice of telling Derek about my feelings. I wasn't sure about telling him but I really wanted him to know. He should know that when I saw him in the lake park for the first time, I have been totally attracted to him ever since. He should know that my feelings for him grew deeper and deeper every time he was there to save me. He should know that I crave to see him everytime. He should know that I notice his unnoticeable smile even from far off distances. And he should know that I like him more than he was ever liked by anyone, maybe even more.

"You wanna know why I want to be with you and why I wanna ''publicize'' this?? You wanna know why I see you with that starry shine in my eyes?? You wanna know why I always want to know about you???" I kept on saying with tears in my eyes and he stood opposite me stunned.

Well, that's the very first time that I have stunned Derek, atleast I think so.

"Because I like you Derek. I haven't liked anyone the way I like you. And I know how common and cheesy this sounds, but it is what it is. I LIKE YOU. There, I said it. Now what are you gonna do about it?? Tell me to unlike you, haan?? Well I certainly can't because you aren't an instagram post." I poured my heart out in front of him basically with gritted teeth and tears dripping down my pink cheeks.

Derek stood there, colour draining from his face but I really think I saw that little unnoticeable smile when I said that I liked him. But I am not sure as I was really high on emotions. He didn't remove his eyes from me.

Instead, he took small steps towards me, coming closer. As the distance between us reduced, my breathing got heavy. He came closer and closer until there wasn't much distance between us. He looked at me and held my hands.

"I know that you like me. But you and I cannot be what you want us to be. It's impossible." he said softly almost in a whisper as if he thought the walls and furniture would hear his confession.

There was this thing about Derek that he was a very private person. He wouldn't let anybody know what he is thinking. So him opening up to me is an achievement.

"Whyy??" I asked in an equally soft voice.

He took a deep breath and said, "Because I am a pool of darkness and you're...." he stopped looking down. He took another gush of breath and his gaze met mine. "You are light. I don't want to diminish your light."

"What makes you say I am light?? You know nothing about me. Infact, ever since I've met you, you have been the light of my life." I said teary eyed. "And if you are really sure about your darkness then let me be a part of it. Because I want to be a part of your life."

Derek's eyes didn't leave mine and he said, "It is not right. You and I are not right."

The moment those words escaped his mouth I don't know what came over me. I moved closer to him, my hands moving upwards to his elbow then finally resting on his shoulders. My face inching closer to his until there was no space left between us, not even for air. I pressed my pink plump lips on his soft ones, and I can't believe what I felt for the first time in my life.

Fireworks !!!

Yes I could feel fireworks all around and inside. It felt like I have been electrocuted in a romantic way. At first Derek didn't reciprocate with the kiss, but I didn't care. He was reluctant but in no time he reciprocated and our lips synced together like musical notes. His hands moved to my waist and mine moved to his neck.

That feeling of kissing and being kissed back by the person you've wanted to is so surreal. Our surreal moment lasted long enough for me to realise that I want this person in my life.

We pulled back and we just stared at each other still holding each other.

"Did that feel wrong to you??" I asked with a lot of hope that he will say something like, 'no not at all' or 'this is the best thing ever happened'.

But Derek didn't say anything. He just stared at me for a few seconds, stepped back and jumped out of the window. I wasn't expecting something like this. I went towards the window and saw him getting in his car and leave. I felt rejected. I felt like crying. I closed the blinds and sat on my bed. I didn't realise when tears started dripping down my cheeks. I was crying and I cried alot that night until I fell asleep.


Hey there readers.

Here is a new chapter of ALWAYS BETTER TOGETHER on your feed. And this chapter has lots of Derek in the second half. Also there is a little romantic surprise for you all.

Please read the chapter and tell me how you like it. I am really delighted to see the increasing trend in the number of reads. Please VOTE for the chapter as well.

I am dedicating this chapter to two of my readers who love my story so much. @navroxx1919 @ChikuBieber this is for you. Enjoy!!!!

Lots of love


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