Part 1

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In the morning.
Trace: Look like it's just our building.
Black: Yeah, I'm surprised you can stay up?
Trace; What can I say? I have been doing this many times.
Black; oh... But you need sleep.
Trace; I'm almost done, then I will.
Black: Alright. Hm? Oh hey...
Pearl: Hey...
Black: ... I show you where the kitchen is.
Pearl: Okay...
Trace: ...

In the kitchen.
Pearl: Wow.
Black: ... Sorry, you and your family got involved.
Pearl; Black...
Black: I'll promise it to be all over, and your family will be safe.
Pearl: Black...
Blaze: Pearl you up.
Pearl: Mom.
Brian: Come here black.
Pearl: Dad wait-
Black: It is okay. *Follow Brian*

Brian: Why, is this happening?
Black: I'm not sure.
Brian: What do you mean, this should not happen?
Black: ... Speed bring the bomb to the tower and it got destroyed, but there was another one that non of us know about.
Brian: ... Why are you allow-
Black: I wasn't, I was not strong enough. Speed was allowed.
Brian: Why him?
Black: They want strong mon, and since speed was the champion, he was allowed.
Brian: ... So we just stay here?
Black: Yes. We making weapons, armor to protect you all.
Brian: Are you even scared?
Black: I am.
Brian; ...
Bolt; Brian, take it easy.
Brian: ... Fine.
Bolt: Black...
Black: It okay, you don't want t talk to me, but right now, i need to help trace.
Bolt: ... Alight.
Black left.
Brian: Bolt, why are you so calm?
Bolt: I'm not... I'm worried...
Brian: ... Let's help them.
Bolt: Agreed.

Sunshine: Will daddy be okay?
Trace; Just tired.
Lazuli: He could have sleep.
Trace: Speed wanted this to be over.
Crystal: Speed...
Flare: Hey.
Black: Trace, how the weapon?
Trace; Almost done.
Black: Good. Any clue where the nest is?
Trace: All I know is in the underground.
Black: I see... Is there any way to make that bomb again?
Trace; There is but...
Black: but what?
Trace; The energy orb is in speed armor, but he loses it.
Black: ... Then what the plan?
Trace: I don't know.
Lazuli: Armor? But we just saw it on vacation?
Trace; No the first, but since I can't track it down, it impossible to find it.
Leaf: (Armor...)
Mollie: *Cary speed* I'll take him to bed.
Trace: Yeah, go ahead. *Yawn*
Crystal: Go sleep trace.
Tace; No I'll be-
Crystal: Now!
Trace; Y-yes!

Later a few days have passed the adult got the info knowing what had happened before.
Trace: It not working!
Speed: We need more.
Black: How there no more left.
Trace: Speed, you need to remember where your old armor is.
Speed; It in the forest but far away.
Lazuli: Armor... I-is the color yellow?
Speed: ... Yes? How did you know that?
Black: How did you?
Lazuli: ... leafy and I find it, it in our cave.
Speed: Cave... Where?
Lazuli; Terra town, but outside of it. You can even see Snow mountain.
Speed; Got it.
Sunshine: Don't go!
Speed; it is okay.
Trace: Here take this.
Speed; No need.
Lazuli: I'm coming. It is fest to show you.
Speed; No you-
Lazuli: Speed, listed! I'm going! You know I'm strong.
Speed; ... Fine. Take the weapon you going to need it.
Bolt: I'm coming.
Speed: No, I know you older than me sir. But it best if you stay and learn about the device.
Brian: ... He's right.
Bolt; I know.
Mollie; Please be careful.
Speed; I will.
Leaf: Sis, please.
Lazuli: it is alright leafy.
Leaf: ... Okay.
Crystal; Speed, we know you are fine. But lazuli. She-
Speed; I won't let her get hurt. You know that.
Crystal: I know.
Rin: ...
Blaze: ... Trace is there anything we can do?
Trace: ... No, all we need to make sure we have good defease and enough food.
Flare: Leaf, let's see our new garden doing.
Leaf; Right.
Lazuli: Keep them safe.
Trace; I know.
Black: You two be safe.
Speed: I know that.
Lazuli: Come on we can't waste time.
Speed; Alright.

In the path.
Speed: Lazuli, are we almost here?
Lazuli; Yes just a few more-
Then they see fire
Lazuli: Somemon is danger.
Speed; Let's help them first.
Lazuli; Wait, that where the cave is!
Speed; Alright, let's go!
Lazuli: Right!

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