Chapter Thirteen: New Magical Teachers

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A/n: Thank you to every people who continues to wait to read the updates of this fanfiction!!! ❤️🌺

Two weeks had passed since Harry Potter was able to become a full-fledged member of the Slytherin Quidditch Team

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Two weeks had passed since Harry Potter was able to become a full-fledged member of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Soon, he was able to adapt and get better as the new seeker of the team. Adorning the green robes always make him happy. All of the students had heard that Thursday afternoon that all of the students had to gather at the Great Hall and their classes for that day were all cancelled.

It was a huge surprise to a lot of students while they were all gathered for that day by Albus Dumbledore and other current teachers in the Great Hall when they saw five, fair and tall elves sitting beside him at the teacher's long table. The students were able to notice that they were all so different from the house elves they were so used to in seeing around the castle. Dudley and his friends in Hufflepuff were definitely at awe of the beauty that the elves emanate and also, Hermione and her friends in Gryffindor, including Ron were also amazed by how they looked as they were so magical, fleeting and elegant. The Ravenclaws were also very interested to see and meet them but they were pretty much calmly chatting at each other.

Most of the muggle-born community were truly at awe by how they looked like, and by how elegantly they wore their white and gold-threaded clothes. The elves glowed whenever sunlight touched their skin which made everyone stare at them in amazement. It had been very rare for the High Elves to leave the woods and socialize with humans and other beings but it seemed, there's been a lot of expected change after Lord Voldemort suddenly vanished. Peace had returned after he disappeared but like the centaurs with whom were their closest allies, they found out that the doom had not yet gone away after they had read the stars. It was also that day when they saw Harry sitting beside Alwyna Robins at the Slytherin Table. The elves were definitely grateful and happy that one of their own, even not fully, was sitting beside 'the boy who lived' in the Great Hall. The elves knew that Lord Voldemort's threat won't go away even after he disappeared and the stars they always study for divination had not yet told them that his era of darkness was already finished. The centaurs who were their closest allies does have the same prediction.

Harry chuckled after he looked at her since her cheeks were blushing so deeply which made him smile, too. She also can't help but hide her face while the High Elves silently introduce themselves to the other teachers. All of them looked young and there were no signs of any wound in their skin. They were definitely very fair and white. Two of them—Ulfien and Yanna—were old and wise but unlike Albus Dumbledore who had white hair already, they still looked young and in their prime. Their hair were still golden white and their blue eyes were still shimmering with delight.

"Why are you hiding your face, Captain Alwyna?" Harry asked her. "Do you know them? They look like you, too but you just don't have their glowing skin."

Alwyna sat back again comfortably on her seat and said to him, "They're my relatives from my mother's side. Dad's a wizard, and my mom's an elf. My parents met when my dad's in Wales as most High Elves live in its hidden Welsh Villages."

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