"I'm so exited about this wedding, Sarah. I've never been invited to a wedding before, I'm really looking forward to it." Mildred was so happy about the wedding that she didn't notice that Sarah didn't look very happy about it.

"Hey Mildred, where is Grindelwald's new castle?"

"I can take you there if you like." Asked Mildred.


The pair of them stood up and held hands, when Mildred apparated so did Sarah and they arrived inside of the new castle. Sarah ran to one of the windows and the scenery outside looked a lot different to the old views from the old castle. This castle looked like it was in the middle of a big field, in the distance there were cows and sheep eating grass.

This castle was also a lot smaller than the old one, It was one was only on 2 levels but the floor plan was similar to the old castle. 

"Where is Aurelius?"

"His room is over there but I don't know if he is in there, he likes to go on walks in the countryside but Master put a spell on him with means he can't actually walk to far away."

Sarah walked over to the bedroom door and knocked on it 3 times. There was no replies but Sarah opened the door anyway. Aurelius was not in there. There was just a bed and a wardrobe there.

"He isn't here." Sarah left the room and shut the door behind her. As she did, Aurelius apparated right in front of her.

"Why were you in my room, B*tch!"

Mildred looked shocked that Aurelius just swore. "Aurelius, stop that, you dirty little boy, get in that room and say sorry before I tell Master."


"I don't know but do it before I tell Master!"

"No, leave me alone and don't allow this B*tch in my room again." He walked into his room and slammed the door.

"I'll going back to tell Master!" Mildred said then apparated away.

"Aurelius, I only came back cause I'm worry about what Mr Grindelwald will do, he says he is planning to kill you and I wanted to warn you."

"Cool, I hope he does kill me, then maybe I'll see my brother in heaven again."

As he said this Grindelwald apparated with Mildred.

"Sarah! Why did you come here?"

"To warn Aurelius."

"Don't do that!" Grindelwald grabbed Sarah by the arm which hurt her a lot. He pulled her up the spiral staircase and into his bedroom then threw her onto the bed. "Stay here until I say otherwise." He put a spell on the door which made it so she was trapped in the room and he left her.

Grindelwald made his way back downstairs and shouted at Aurelius and Mildred so loudly that it woke Oris up.

"Whattttts goingg on!" Sarah heard him say as he waddled out of his room next door to the one Sarah was in.

"I think your Master is angry at me, Mildred and Aurelius."

"Ohhh, Well I did nothing wrongggg so I'll stay in beddd, I suppose." He turned round and waddled back into his room.

Sarah sat on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. She couldn't understand why her and Mr Grindelwald were either arguing, killing or kissing. There was no in between. Sarah didn't want this anymore, she knew that she would always love Grindelwald but she couldn't handle him when he was like this. She just wanted to go home and run away from him again. She cried and laid in the bed until Grindelwald returned 1 hour later.

"It's finished." he said as he walked in, he removed the spell from the door and laid down on his side of the bed and tried to calm himself down. His heard was beating very fast and sweat was rolling down his forehead.

"Did you kill him?"

"Aurelius? Yes."

There was silence between them. Sarah couldn't believe her ears. After all they had been through in the last few weeks with their son dying, Grindelwald didn't even care anymore it seemed. 

"Don't you care that you've just killed a young man?"

"No, he deserved it."

"Well, did Gellert deserve it?" Sarah asked.

"No! But that was different, his dead was an accident, this was purposeful."

"No it wasn't. You killed him, you didn't care about his family, his feelings or anything else for that matter."

"He was Aurelius formally known as Credence. He had no real family, let alone feelings."

"He was still grieving his brother! That's a feeling." Yelled Sarah, now sitting up in bed.

"He didn't really care, it was all an attention seeking act for him."

"No it wasn't! Grief is real, Grindelwald. I feel it so much! At first I felt it for my mother, father and grandmother. When I had to leave them for you. Then for Richard, but you took that emotion away from me soon after, then for my son!"

Sarah got off the bed and apparated back home to Greece. Grindelwald quickly followed her. 

"Stay away from me!" She yelled as he appeared.

Sarah was now in her bedroom, putting all of her clothes and possessions in a bag.

"Where are you going in such a hurry? A couple hours ago we were planning our wedding and now you're running away from me!"

"You are heartless, go back to your stupid job! I don't want you." Sarah threw a perfume bottle at him as he come closer to her.

"I quite! He said. "I quite to be with you full time."

"I don't want you!" Sarah faced the corner of her bedroom and cried.

"Baby! Please."

"No! Get out, go back home to your new comfy castle and leave me alone."

"Please! Don't send me away! We are getting married soon!"

"Please go and let me grief alone. I raised him alone and I'll grief his death alone."

"Fine!" Grindelwald apparated away. 

Sarah continued to cry and sob in the corner of her room. She eventually fell to the floor and curled up in the corner.

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