Chapter 1- The Variable's Fatigue

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X was the nicest host of BFB. Everyone loved him, especially Cloudy, Pin and Eggy. Though he was soft and timid, he was helpful to every object in need.

When Needle's key fell into the grate, X fished it out.
When Coiny's favorite piggy bank broke into two pieces, X glued them back together.
When Cake was flying his spaceship into space, but his battery was running low, X flew up in time to recharge it.
When Donut got tired of hosting, X said "I can do it! I'll host!"

However, one afternoon, when he met up with Four on the Equation Playground, he was feeling a bit... different.

Four asked him, "X, what's wrong? You look depressed..."

X replied "I just don't feel like doing much of anything..."

"This morning's challenge was rather complicated, even for us," Four added.

"Funny you should say that," Eight said sternly. "X was the host who was setting everything up. You were just being lazy."

"Okay, I admit, I refused to tally the final scores for no particular reason," said Four.

Four then noticed that X's eyes were closing as he leaned against the tree. Easy to tell for any character whose eyes are white circles with pupils, unlike the objects. X was exhausted after the challenge in the morning, so he was ready to fall asleep at any moment.

However, as soon as X dozed off, Six violently shook him, waking him. "What does this variable think he is?" she asserted loudly. "Variables are supposed to be useful for algebraic equations, not sleep!"

"If it weren't against Equation Playground regulations, I would remove your limbs right now," Four told her. "As X's treasure, I highly disapprove of that behavior."

"So what are ya gonna do about it?" said Six, smirking. Once again, X yawned against the tree trunk and fell asleep, only for Six to shake him.

"Sorry..." X said with a yawn. "I'm just really tired..."

"Variables don't get tired, silly," Six asserted. "Well, except Y, the lazy man who sleeps an awful lot. But none of us have seen him for a long time."

"Six," said Four. "If you bother X again, I will pour melted chocolate all over your gem collection."

Six gasped in horror. "My entire gem collection?!"

"Yes, from the gems soft as talc, to the gems hard as diamond."

"Aww, that's not fair..." she said, sulking. "These gems give me the spirit I need in the morning, as a congruent number. If I leave X alone, will you promise to keep the gems untouched? Pleeeease?"

"Fine," said Four, unamused.

Six then left to look back at her gem collection. X once again closed his eyes against the tree trunk. But in a few seconds, Seven and Three were running around, playing energetically and noisily near him, waking him.

"Um, Seven and Three..." he tried to tell them. But the prime numbers didn't notice him, they just kept going.

Four took X to the seesaw they used in X Finds Out His Value, where he thought it was quieter. X lay down underneath the seesaw, but then he heard Six jump in joy.

"Never mind," she said, "I just realized that my entire gem collection is chocolate proof!" So she walked up to X to bother him again.

Four sighed. "Sorry, X..." he said, "I don't think you can really have a good nap here in the Equation Playground. We should just go to our room."

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