Chapter 11: Christmas Carol

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It was the last day of school before Christmas break, Draco and I hadn't talked unless we had to, which was in front of Felicity and Harry so they didn't think anything was up and during rehearsals. "You can't just keep ignoring him, Potter," Charlie reasoned, standing next to me as I got my stuff out of my locker. "Draco confessed his love to me and I told him to stop loving me," I replied. "Excuse me if I'm not singing him a song, not like I didn't write one." "Y/n, this is eating you up, I see it happening," Charlie said. "I get why you couldn't, but Draco is still a big part of your life whether you like it or not. Besides, it'll be Christmas soon." "Right," I breathed out. I saw Draco down the hall, he caught my eyes but didn't do anything, just walked away.

3rd person pov:

"Yes, Lily, I do," James said. He was on the phone with his wife waiting for Sirius to come back with coffee. "I have Christmas off, I'll be home. Yes, the Malfoys are coming over.... No, I haven't noticed anything happening between Draco and Y/n... whatever you say. I have to go, I love you." James hung up as Sirius came back and handed James his cup. "Lily again?" Sirius questioned and James nodded. "Ha, you fell in love with that." "Don't regret a single moment," James smiled. "The radio is silent, no sign of anything." "Christmas miracle," Sirius joked. "Maybe, hopefully," James said. "I wish Harry and Y/n weren't chosen, then they can live normally." "But they'll be glorious," Sirius assured. "I know they will." James nodded as he took a sip of his coffee then caught someone jaywalking. "Hey, buddy, there's a crosswalk," Sirius told. He glanced at him and started walking faster away.

Sirius and James shared a look then set their things down and went after him. "Sir?" James called then he started running. They went after him then cut him off just before he got in the Christmas rush. "Come on, buddy, it's Christmas," Sirius said, pinning him against the wall and searched him. "James." He saw the mark on his arm then James spoke, "Who are you working for?" "Bite me," He spat. Sirius picked his pockets and got a stack of photos from his bag. What they saw was their worst fear. It was pictures of Harry and Y/n, some from school, with friends, or just walking down the street. Ones that scared him the most was one of his daughter and son in their rooms. James put the photos down and punched the man across his face and held him by the collar.

"What the hell are these?" James spat. "James-" "They're my kids," The man lied then James punched his gut. "No, they're my kids," James snapped. "Try again." "The dark lord wants them," The man laughed evilly. James punched him again, but Sirius pulled him off then cuffed the perp and put him in the back. They took him to the station then went home to tell his wife what he found. "Harry!" James called. "Yes!?" He said back. "Is Draco up there?" James asked. "Yes, you need him?" Harry questioned. "Yes," James answered then Draco walked downstairs. "What is it?" Draco asked. James took him to the living room and showed him the picture. "I found them on a man on the streets, working for the Figure," James told.

"They know what they look like," Draco said. "He's looking for them." "Which means you need to be prepared," Sirius said, pulling out a wand from his bag. "10" long, made of hawthorn wood, and had a unicorn hair core, calls your name." Draco took the wand and placed it in his pocket as James said, "I'll have Dumbledore aware of this." "When Harry and Y/n know, they will also have one but for now be careful with it," Sirius said. Draco nodded then Lily spoke, "Is there something going on with you and Y/n, you both seem constricted." "It's complicated, but I'll fix it soon," Draco assured. "We can't have anything in the way of you protecting them," James said. "Things are getting really dangerous." "Yes, sir, I understand," Draco replied. "Go off," James told, then Draco left. When he passed Y/n's room, she opened her door to leave to see him in front of it.

They both froze, Y/n awkwardly lifted her hand and waved a bit making Draco smile a bit inside since he found it adorable but he couldn't show it. Draco gave her a silent hello with his head before she closed her door again leaving Draco out as she sunk into the floor letting out a breath. Draco huffed then went to Harry's room before they went down to the basement. "Hey, wankers," Charlie greeted, walking in. "Where's Y/n?" "In her room, has been all day," Harry replied. "I have no idea why, I checked up on her but she seems okay just very nervous." "Been like that lately," Charlie replied. "Might be because of Longbottom, he stood her up," Harry suggested. "Remind me to kick his ass."

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