"""the end"""

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Bbb let out a sigh as he was walking down in the hallway he was still bruised by the fight earlier he immediately go to the mini infimary in the tapos

"Excuse? Is anyone here!" *bbb knocked on the infimary door*

"Ah yes what do you need" *a boy in a nurse attire appeared in bbb eyes he was shoked until he saw his skin color

"Ah yes im here to clean my wounds if you dont mind"

"Sure sit in the bed ill be there for a bit!"

Bbb sit on the nearby bed waiting for the nurse to get here

After 2 minutes the nurse went up to the injured boy with his things and started what he had to do

*sigh* "did you do this to yourself again boboboi?.....what the nurse said made bbb flinch a little he look at him and the nurse look at him like pitying him


Bbb look at him confused on whats happening the nurse let another sigh and walked to a nearby shelf

He pulled a red and black medicine like bottle he walked back to bbb and handed it

"Whats this???" *bbb took it and examine it*

"Pills bbb you didn't drink it did you?"...
*the nurse look at bbb after he settled down bbb bruise*

"What are you talking about?!?......"

"Im sorry bbb but i cant tell you please drink that later" *the nurse gave him the pills he took it and went out*

"Im sorry its for youre on good....."

Bbb was walking to the cafeteria since he want to make a soup for yaya but in the way there he noticed that some of the people and eliens were talking about him......

"Poor boboboi if that didn't happen je could be better now"

Yea its because of the incident..........
.she should be here if that didn't happen........

These are what he heard from the whispers around him he just couldn't care less about this he just shrug it off and continue his way to the cafeteria

When he got there he saw some of his friends but what is odd that they look like crying.....hurt....and didn't sleep well

Bbb thought that because of yayas condition but he was wrong.........

"Hey guys!" Bbb went to them with a big smile*

They look at him in a pity......there eyes were red it looks like they were crying all night

"Whats wrong?" *bbb asked as he sat down beside them*.

"Bbb.....you didn't did you...?" *fang asked as he comfort ying in his hands*

"What did i didn't do? Oh if youre thinking about yaya shes all fine she even talked to me earlier!"

The gang look at him silent..........they couldn't bear it even gopal look at him....even the other aliens look at him

"Hey what's wrong with you all today its like you've seen a ghost?" *bbb said in a joking manner*

"Are you kidding me!" *ying stand up slamming the table*

"How could you make something like that boboboi!?! You know how hard for is to me to forget about it!!!"

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