(⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)︻̷┻̿═━一- 1

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The gang was in a confusing state after the call they immediately grab all of there things and stated to travel once again .......but sadly traveling  from where they was neaded 3 whole goddam days to travel making them more paniked

What if they were attack....what if our files were stolen.....what if....*boboboi head was filled with what if he just stared to the ground waiting for them to arrive

The whole spaceship was full of silence no one talked or even sleep yaya and ying were trying to hack to tapos security cams to see what is happening but sadly failed....

Fang on the other hand was trying to make his spaceship more faster by fixing his engine while gopal was changing goo they found in the planet turned it into gas

It was so silence you can slice through it

Boboboi on the other hand was in his room

"Boboboi you need to conserve some energy so please stay here.." yaya said leading boboboi to his room*

But...."boboboi we need you to save us so you need to conserve some energy so that you'll be ready if something happened when we get there.." *yaya explain to boboboi making boboboi in defeat*

He agreed as yaya just let a small smile and went outside the room

.........wait! *Boboboi grab yayas hand and pulled him into his chest*

Can you ..stay for. A while......*boboboi said while looking away still hugging yaya from the back*

A small smile curve to yayas face as she blush like a tomato

"Sure why not....." *Yaya said in a low tone making boboboi jump in victory*

After a while boboboi fell asleep on yaya making yaya blush like crazy she slowly move boboboi and went out of the bed

He cover him with a blanket making him comfortable he remove his power watch and put it in his table

She look at him for a while then she kissed his forehead after leaving him

She walked outside seeing fang , ying and gopal looking at her smirking

"Ho ho ho what were you two doing there?" *Gopal asked yaya clearly teasing her*

"Eh? Gopal!!" *Yaya blush like crazy remembering what happened*

*But there fun was  cut when ying shouted from the control room*

"Guys i did it!!" *Yings voice Ecco to the whole spaceship making them run to her*

*Pant* pant* "what happened?!? *Gopal panted like crazy he run as fast as he can *

"I did it i hack the tapos system!" *Ying showed her laptop*

"Indeed it really is!" *Yaya look at it*

"But the problem is..... I don't know the code for this one..." *Ying pointed at a file*

*Yaya look at it in a serious look after a while she smiled and look at ying*

"I know this one let me see" *ying gave yaya her laptop as yaya was putting code that even ying didn't know*

"Ehh how did you know this much yaya?" *Fang asked as he look at the laptop*

"Hehe i learned it from someone" *yaya said as she smiled*

"After a while...well bot really after a hour yaya finished it but the problem is that everyone was already asleep

She didn't want to wake them up even though she really want to scream in happiness right now

And good news too they were one day away from tapos made all of them in relief so they desided to sleep for a couple of hours since they stil didn't get much sleep these days

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