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It's been a few days. No sign of mom anywhere. Where could she be?

" Dad?"

" Yeah Gavin" He says looking over at me

" When will mom be back?" I say

" I don't know buddy... I don't know" Dad says. I can see tears piling in his eyes.

" Oh...ok. Can I go to the park?"

" Oh um.. Yea-Yeah sure. Be careful and have fun" He says

" Ok thank you." I say running out the door. I get on my bike and start riding to the park. When I arrive, I see a bunch of kids playing. I see a kid coming my way, while I was getting off my bike.

" Hi!!! I really like your bike." A little girl says

" Aww thank you! I like your hair"

" Thank you I just got it done" She says

" What's your name?"

" Coco!!!" She says smiling. I notice that Coco has 4 missing teeth. Her hair was a dirty blonde. She looked like she was 7 or 8.

" Oh crap I have to go- Um hopefully I see you again stranger"

" Wait my names Gav-" I said as she was running away. That girl seemed nice. I went to the swings and swong on one. I wonder, since moms gone should I wash my hair? Nah she'll be back soon to help me. I continue to swing till it started it got a little chilly. I get back on my bike and ride home. Once I got home I went upstairs and started writing a note for my mom.

Dear Mom, I miss you!!! I can't wait till you come home. Me, Jakob, and Dad love you.

Bye Mom.

Love, Gavin

Once I finish write her note, I put it in her room. I left it on her side of the bed marked " Mom". I also decide to write a note to future me.

Dear Older Gavin, How freaking old are you? Oops I forgot I'm not allowed to curse.. Anyways did you find yourself a girlfriend yet? I really hope so cause your a lonely slug. Have you figured out where babys come from? If so pls tell me I'm curious. I'm in the 4th grade right now, and I LOVE math. I met a girl today. Her name was Coco. She had dirty blonde hair. I think she's my friend now. Anyways, I love you future me and I hope you do back. Bye!

Love, 9 year old Gavin

I stole a pair of Jakob's pants and shove the note in the pocket. I hide it in my closet so he won't find it. I took a shower and went to bed.

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