Jiang Cheng POV 1

Start from the beginning

Jiang Cheng secretly enjoyed the days in Gusu, his heart, the kind man that he is saw his mediocre self studying in the library after a particularly bad grade and he was there wasting his sleep away while Wei Ying easily aced the test despite only having time to flock around and tease the stern second jade.

It was shameful at first that the man he love and look up to see the red marks on his test but he did not say anything else, only sat down in front of him and offering to teach him more on the arts. With a blush on his face he weighted the pros and cons.

And his traitorous heart only saw the positives. He will have a senior helping him raise his grades and he will have plenty of time to stay with the man. To smell his alluring scent so close to him that he felt he was almost reaching for him.

That was bad, he thought and he hesitated but the pull of their bond was too strong to ignore. So he agreed to his help and those were the blissful days of his childhood. To be in the presence of his Alpha, sorrounded by his scent.

When he was particularly feeling sad, Jiang Cheng always look back at those days as his happiest and most blissful time in his youth and life. He wished that time will stop when he was there, that it would not end.

But he wouldn't be Jiang Cheng if life does not throw him a rock after his beautiful year. The indoctrination camp happened, he heard about the burning of CR and the disappearance of the first jade, his mind was gripped by fear and worry for his Alpha. Not just that but their sword was taken and they were forced to go to the Xuanwu cave where those detestable Wens have closed the entrance for them to defend themselves against that monster.

Thankfully because of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji they were able to get out, however it came with the sacrifice of leaving the two inside the dreadful cave, injured and alone. He did not have any choice but to run back towards his home to ask for help but without his sword he had to walk the long mile to ask for the help of his father.

On the way due to his bruised and weak body, the sealing slipped and an intense bout of heat suddenly crushed into him. Years of suppression coming to him at once that even though it was a small crack he felt like it was his first heat or worse. He had to double back in pain and clutch at his stomach, however his stubbornness wins out.

He painfully gritted his teeth as he crawled onwards. Beads of perspiration dripping against his temple and his body alight in fire. His mind was getting dizzy with the heat but he trudged on. He doesn't remember much how he managed to come back to Yunmeng a few days later but in his delirious state he remembered a soothing touch and a sweet scent that seemed to envelope and protect him.

He doesn't remember who that man was that helped him but he was grateful nonetheless.

Jiang Yanli found his dirty self almost crawling through the gates of their sect and she hurriedly brought him to the healers and on the way he was met by their Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian, while his mother fussed about him he could see his father looking for a certain someone.

With his hoarse voice he muttered out "Xuanwu cave, Wei Ying and Lan Wangji... trapped, help them." He muttered out before loosing consciousness. He awakens a few hours after, his soul's seal back up and his tired body wasn't ready but his mind is.

He saw his father marching outside the healer's office with his scowling mother who was glaring daggers at the latter. His mind traitorously thought that his father was so worried for him that he was restlessly waiting for him to wake up but the reality was never that.

Instead he was there to wait for him to wake up and guide their disciples to rescue Wei Wuxian. Here he was, tired and battered from the arduous journey, traveling the entire way while he was burning in his heat yet his father showed him no amount of worry instead it was WWX who was reflected in his father's eyes.

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