Chapter 9

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The flight lands and I film getting off the plane. "Okay, so, I just got off the plane and now am looking for Harry because he is going to be taking me to Olivers's house." I see Harry and smile at him, I walk up to him and he tells me that I can stop recording now because Tareq is filming. I put my phone away and smile, "Hey guys, some of you might remember Noah! He is Oliver's boyfriend and he is here to surprise him, now we are gonna drive to his house." We walk out to Harry's tesla and start the drive, I want to text Oliver so badly.

As we approach his house, I get more and more nervous. We pull into the driveway and I get out of the car, knocking on the door. I hear footsteps and I get really excited. He opens the door and looks at me, smiling so big, and goes to hug me, which I gladly hold my arms open, accepting it. "Hey bubs, I missed you." I say to him, "I missed you too" he pulls away and I kiss him, smiling. "When did you get here? How did you get here? Why are you here?" He asks, looking confused, "I just got here, my stuff is in the car. I'm here because Harry invited me to do some podcast episodes but also because I've noticed that you haven't been doing well, and I flew here." I said with a smile, kissing his forehead. I noticed his eyes soften and I immediately knew he was slipping, I turn to Harry and say that we are gonna go inside and for him to just bring my stuff and set it in the living room, he seemed to understand what was happening and agreed. I grabbed Oliver's hand and take him in the house, asking him where his room is and he leads me to it. I can tell he has slipped far, but I'm not complaining, I'm excited to get to take care of him in real life, and just be with him in person.

I sit down on the bed and he comes over and sits in my lap, cuddling up to me, which makes me smile more than I was. "I love you baby," I say into his ear, I feel his face heat up and I giggle silently, "I love you too daddy," He says and that's when I melt. He hasn't called me that in a couple months because he hasn't been little. He's been working on a lot of stuff for future streams, like the Tales of the SMP streams and other streams with his friends that take a lot of preparation for, I'm proud of him, but he also needs to rest as well, and that's where I come in. "Hey bubs, today is a day for us okay? But tomorrow we are going to film a video for the gaming channel, and then we can stream tomorrow as well, depending on what time we get back. But today is just for us, we can cuddle and watch movies and do whatever you want to do." He nods and looks up at me, kissing my cheek, which makes me happy. We sit on his bed for a little longer until he says that he's hungry, so we get up and walk to the kitchen, where I see no food anywhere, so we decided to go get dinner, with me paying of course. We went to McDonalds, thinking that it is the best for him at this moment. We go through the drive-thru and order, taking it back to his house, and going into his streaming room. We walk in and I see a corner with a lot of blankets and pillows, as well as some fairy lights hanging on the wall and some stuffed animals on the floor. Now I know why he only shows half of the room when he streams, it makes sense. He sits on the floor and I join him, putting the food and drinks down, before grabbing one of his plates that he uses when he is little, and setting his food out on it. We eat together, and then decide to stream, he is big now, so we decided to surprise the fans.

He starts the stream and I am off to the side of the camera, out of view, but still in a spot where I could see the screen and chat. I pull out my phone and look at the comments from the podcast video, seeing a couple that are saying "watch Oliver and Noah through this whole video, it's like they know each other," I just smile. I hear Oliver say something about a special guest and I look up, watching Oliver do his intro thing. "Everyone, please welcome, Noah!!!" He said giggling, I smile and walk onto screen, squatting next to him and putting my arm around his shoulders, "Hey everyone!" I said and chat was going crazy, I giggle and we decide to play Minecraft, like always. After we play for a bit, Quackity joined the call and game. "Heyyyy Olipop" He said in his exaggerated mexican accent, I just laugh a bit and say, "Oliver isn't available, sorry Alex," he sounds shocked, "NOAH??? IS THAT YOU??" I just laugh and say yes. We continued playing Minecraft until we decided to end the stream so Oliver and I could watch some movies and enjoy each other's presence. We watch Megamind, cuddling, and eating snacks, while having conversations here and there. I pause the movie, deciding it's time to talk about why he hasn't been doing well recently.


Hello dear readers! It has been quite a while, which I apologize for taking such a break, my father got married and I was finishing up school stuff. But my birthday is next week and my best friend who I haven't seen in over a year is visiting me and staying with me for the weekend, and I am also going on vacation next week as well!! I hope you all have a great summer! I will update when I can. 

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