Chapter 5

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We walk back to the principal's office and he says that my dad gave me permission to leave early with the four  (Forgot to mention that the dad knows about Oliver and has talked to all four people on the phone so he knows them), so I picked up my backpack, went to the front office and signed out, then went out into the parking lot. "Okay, we need to film the outro now, should we do it in front of the school or just in the parking lot?" Harry asked everyone, and most said in front of the school, so that's what we did. After the outro was finished, Harry said that we should go get some lunch since it was past lunchtime and none of us had eaten since the morning, we all agreed and got into different cars. I decided to drive, so that they could follow me, and Oliver rode with me. "So, where should we go?" Oliver asked as he was on the phone with Harry, trying to decide where we should go, "How about Olive Garden?" I suggested and everyone agreed, so we started driving there. Oliver had control of the music and played stuff he knows both of us like, and we were blasting it and singing on the top of our lungs and laughing. We pulled up to Olive Garden and got out, going inside and getting a table. We sat down and soon everyone else came in. We ate and joked around until the food was gone and it was time to go. I turned to Oliver, "Hey, want to go to the park? I want to hang out with you more." I said looking down, blushing, "Yeah, lets go, I don't want to leave you yet." He said and turned to Harry, "Hey Harry, I'm going to go hang out with Noah at the park, I'll have him bring me to the hotel later." He said and we walked to the car.

We got to the park and got out, starting to walk around, talking and just making jokes. A few hours past and we were currently sitting in the grass, in a field surrounded by trees, it was private and somewhere I come when I need space from everything. "This place is special to me, so I wanted to bring you because you are special to me. I come here to relax and just be by myself a lot. This is where I watch most of your streams and stuff." I say smiling. We walk further into the field and I go over by a tree, grabbing the blankets and pillows I keep over there, "No one ever comes back here, I don't even think anyone knows it's here." I said and he smiled, "I'm glad that you brought me here, there is something I want to talk to you about, but it can wait until later." He said with a smile, I think the smile was to keep me from being worried because I saw the nervousness in his eyes, I didn't say anything though, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. I set the pillows and blankets down, laying down and covering up with a blanket, looking up at the sky. Oliver laid down next to me and I smiled, "Hey, thank you, for everything you've done for me, before and after we became friends." I said, not looking at him because I was blushing, "Hey, don't worry about it, it's what I do." He said with his giggle, I smiled. We laid there for about 30 minutes or so when he suddenly sat up and faced me, "Can I tell you something?" I sat up and smiled, nodding my head, and pulling the sleeves of his sweatshirt over my hands as much as they could because I'm taller than him, I got cold and he gave it to me, even though I tried to get him to keep it. "What's up?" I asked and tilted my head a bit, "Well, I don't know how to say this, but, I like you, like I want to be more than friends with you, okay okay, what I am trying to say is that I want you to be my boyfriend, I know you don't like me back but I rea-" I cut him off by kissing him, "I like you back stupid, and yes I will be your boyfriend." I smiled, this time he kissed me, and it felt just as amazing as the first one did. "Thank you, oh my gosh, I was so nervous." He said, "I don't even understand why you were nervous, I thought it was obvious how much I liked you just from the amount I would blush being around you or even on facetime." I giggled a bit, "I guess I was just blind," he looked at me and gave me a quick kiss before laying back down and pulling me with him, I put my head on his chest and smiled. This feels like a dream, I really hope it's not, I really like this.

We stayed like that for another hour until Harry called him asking where he was, I just smiled and sat up, saying that we should probably go, he agreed and helped me put the blankets and pillows back where they were hidden. We were walking back to the car, hand in hand, and just talking about anything and everything. We got in and I started the car while he was choosing some music. We drove the 20 minutes back to his hotel with his hand on my thigh and us screaming the lyrics of the songs. It was amazing, but it had to come to an end when we finally got to his hotel. I pulled into a parking spot and put the car in park, turning to him. "Are you gonna tell the guys?" I ask him, "I'm not sure yet, are you okay with it?" I just shrugged, unsure of what I felt, "I don't want you to go yet." I said looking sad, "I don't want to go either, maybe you could come to the airport with us tomorrow to say bye? Our flight leaves at noon." He said and I nodded, "I'll take Marley to school and then come over here and we can go get breakfast before you leave or stay here and cuddle until we have to go to the airport." I said looking at him, "We could do both, like you drop off Marley, come here, we can cuddle for like 30 minutes or so, and then go to breakfast together and maybe shopping if we have time." He said and I smiled, "It's a date then." I said blushing, he just smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. Before he got out of the car, he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss, I started to take off his hoodie, to give it back to him, but he protested. "What do you think you are doing?" he asked, "I'm giving you your hoodie back?" he just shook his head, "That's for you to keep silly, I wouldn't have given it to you if I wanted it back." He said and kissed my cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow, text me when you get home." He said and I smiled and nodded, I watched him walk into the hotel before I drove off and headed home.


I know for a fact that this chapter is longer than the others, but I hope y'all enjoy it! I won't be able to update much this weekend because I am going to be helping move my step-mom in, but I'll update when I can and when I remember. I might just have to set a reminder in my phone to tell me to update this story. Anyways, I hope you have an amazing day/night where ever you guys are!! I love y'all!

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