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Dakota ate her words as quick as they left her venomous tongue, as she stepped out of the car, looking over the building. the school was large, and many people in uniform walked past her, smiling and laughing with friends, or 'secretly' taking photos of her. 

"I want you to at least try and get an education here. it's simple. you're just learning chords." her dad scolded, walking her up to the building. "ah, mr David. what a wonder to finally see you!" her father chuckled, giving a hug to the man before her. she rolled her eyes, looking around in disgust. 

"and I you, Moore. so this is the beauty of the daughter you been bragging about?" he smiled warmly down at her, choosing to ignore her glare. 

"do I share dorms here or can I at least have that privilege of privacy?" her father glared at her, but she awaited for an answer. 

"yes, you get your own dorms with bathrooms in them. we have tight security around here, cameras everywhere, three locks on every dorm door. so you will feel safe here." 

"I dont feel safe, I feel locked up." she groaned, following the two into the hallways, a little quieter in the mornings. 

"classes start at ten past nine. you have six every day, totalling in fifty minutes a lesson. school ends at ten past three. on campus there is many places to get coffee, maybe even work there to earn extra money. we own the large outlet down the road where you can go shopping for all sorts of things, it has everything there so you shall not be shortened of any items if need be." the man explained, she looked at all the old painted portraits around the dark wooden halls. 

"do you get kitchens in your dorms?" 

"it is a dorm, not an apartment."

"answer the question with a yes or no, I need specificity." she said, earning a harsh call of her name. 

"some dorms do. depending on how important you are to the school." 

"well thats a relief." 

"we can take you there now, and you can settle yourself in? you can join the classes in mid way first or second lesson. it shouldn't take you any longer than that." 

"you'd be surprised." the man walked off with a small good-bye, leaving the two family members alone. 

"dont be a cunt the whole time." her dad said, smiling down at her. she rose her eyebrows. 

"mother would have a shit fit if she heard you right now." she smirked. 

"I know. but you're locked away here," she slapped him angrily, missing as he tricked her into pulling her into a hug. "be good. and call as much as you can darling, your mother will be talking my ear off."

"just end her calls. its not like she can do much ear damage from her business trip in Australia." she shrugged.

"oh, you'd be surprised." he chuckled. he gave his daughter one last hug, before turning slowly, and leaving her in the building. she felt almost weak. almost. she heard the bell ring right by her ear, making her jump.

"shut the fuck up," she spoke to herself, running out of the crowded hallways, shouting a 'don't touch me' here and there. 

walking around the large estate, she admired the well mixed palette of its building, a castle like architect built into a school on the inside, founders' faces on the walls from years ago, sparking the rooms with history. the combination of willow trees and blossom trees melted the scenery into one of serotonin for the girl. she understood the fascination with the sight; a pathway of water running along the whole circle of the estate, meeting up to form a large lake, at the top of the impressive large gardens, full of small mazes, large fountains and such. it was a mind palace of the upmost goodwill, and quietude. 

as she made her way around the lands, she noticed a tall figure leaning against one of the large trees. she thought nothing of it, until she saw the newly lit cigarette in his ringed hand. she walked over in confidence. pulling out her own packet of cigarettes she had stuffed in her pocket. 

"do you have a lighter? "she asked. he turned to her with raised eyebrows. 

"im smoking a cigarette.." he said, as if to make it obvious he owned one. she looked up at him with attitude. 

"what amazing information. that will get you so many places, I shall take it to the grave." she spoke, the snake of satire slithering her tongue. he let out a small chuckle, the smoke falling out from his lips. he reached into his pocket, pulling out the black metal, flicking open the lid and hovering the large, well postured flame under her cigarette. she inhaled the tranquility gifting stick of nicotine, rushing a sense of solace through her mind. 

"who are you?" he asked, staring off into the distance. the scene was rather calm, the fountains running water not far from them enhancing the background music. she watched his side profile whilst he spoke. she noticed the thick accent he owned on his foreign tongue. 

"where are you from?" she asked. he turned to her, a small smirk tugging at his lips. 

"I asked you first." he tapped the ash away from his stick, keeping contact with her. 

"we aren't five years old." he rolled his eyes with a small smile. 

"im from Italy."

"and I'm Dakota Moore." she spoke clearly, teasing him as if he were a child. "see? not so difficult to answer my question."

"Damiano." he introduced, reaching his free hand over. she took it, his cold rings hitting her skin. though his hand was warm, and large. she looked back up at him, fully noticing his attire. he did stand out, truly. his hair scraped back, a few strands fall in front of his eyes, covered in messy black eyeliner. a sight that was rather attractive to the girl. his lips pursed around the white stick, following her gaze. his nails were painted black, outfit one consisting of dark colours, black boots, a blazer over throwing a dark black satin skirt, three of the buttons un-done, showing off the light inked skin of his tattooed chest. 

"fancy." she mumbled. "well, shouldn't you be off recording songs like everyone else competing who the best is?" 

"id rather not." he shook his head. "what are you doing now?" 

"well, unless your eyes are blocked by your eyeliner, you can use them to see that I am smoking a cigarette." she answered, he swallowed away his laugh, his Adams apple prominent in the action. 

"no, I mean what are you supposed to be doing?" 

"getting settled in my dorm. but I saw your cigarette, so," he chuckled, sending an odd shiver down her spine. 

"apologies, for distracting you from your work." he teased ever so lightly. 

"don't flatter yourself."  he threw away his cigarette into the grass, Dakota doing the same soon after. he turned to her, taking steps closer to her body. he was far taller than her, looking down to her small height with dominance. 

"it was a pleasure to meet you, Dakota." his accent confounded her name as if it were fallen from the heavens, his tongue rolled around the letters in such elegance, and superiority. his hand raised, and pushed a stray dark hair away from her features, that she wasn't sure had paled, or become red with blush. he smirked down at her, before dropping his hand and striding his mysterious shadowed physique out of her sight disappearing into the building. she inhaled the rich cologne he left behind in his wake, biting her lip. 

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