Chapter 21

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I sit awkwardly with Chandler. It was silent for a while. "Chandler." I say. He looks at me. "Yeah?" He asks.

I sigh. "If I would date you, I would need to make sure you wouldn't cheat on me. Dating or sleeping." I say.

He smiles. "If I can prove that I wont, will you date me." He says sounding like a ten year old that jut got a new toy.

"I guess." I smile and he gently rubs my cheek with his thumb.

I hop on his lap and look straight into his eyes.

I lean in and start to kiss him again. I lick his bottom lip and he slightly moaned. I grind on him and he leans his head back. "Holy Fuck." He mutters.

"I thought you were new to this." He says. I smirk. "I am. I guess I'm a natural."

He smiles.

I stare at him for a bit and he stares right back. He gently kisses me.

He moves his lips to my neck, finding my sweet-spot. I moan. He smirks on my skin.

I grind harder. I can feel him get hard under me. I don't know why, but I like that I am able to turn him on.

I don't know what I'm doing, but I want to keep doing it.

"Fuck!" He moans louder. I start to kiss his neck now. "I want you. So badly." He says gasping for air.

I just realized, I just broke up with my boyfriend and in practically throwing myself at this boy.

Maybe I never really like Sam. I've always wanted Chandler.

That must be it.

I've always wanted him. Chandler.

I hear the front door open. I get off Chandler.

I rub my eyes. "Oh my god." I mumble.

"Are we technically dating?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't know...." I say and he looks to the ground. "I guess." I mumble.

He lifts his head and smiles.

I smile back. "When can your dad know?" He asks. I shrug. "I don't know. He told me to stay away from you so I know he would not be okay with it at first." I say.

"Oh." He mutters.

"Yeah..." I say looking to the ground. "Danny? You here?" He asks from downstairs. "Yeah. Just playing video games with Chandler." I yell back.

"Chandlers here?" He asks, surprised. "Yeah." I yell back.

He comes upstairs and open my door.

He stares at us for a little bit. "I thought you were playing a game?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah. We just played on the counsel but now we are playing never have I ever." I announce and he glances at Chandler.

I smile.

"I'm gonna need to talk to you later. Both of you. Separately though." He walks away. I take a deep breathe and look back at Chandler.

"Can I stay tonight?" He asks. I look at hi confused.

"Like sleep over?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah. But we don't have to have sex. We could just cuddle and watch Netflix and eat pizza." I smile and nod.

"Sure." He smiles back.


The rest of the day was just me and Chandler talking. Yet, I don't tell him about my mum.

Mingus and Sam know. But somehow, Chandler doesn't.

My life is so fucked up that It's hard to handle.

Its time for dinner. I invited Chandler to eat with us.

My dad made Mac and cheese....

That tells you that he doesn't really cook.

We eat in silence at the table. I burp so loud that I swear the house shook. I laugh and Chandler laughs and smiles at me.

His smile fades as my dad glares at him.

I sip my Dr. Pepper. "So...." I say trying to break the silence. "How was work?" I ask my dad.

He stops looking at Chandler and looks at me and smiles. "It was great. You'll love this episode." I smile and nod. "I bet I will." My dad looks to Chandler again as Chandler stressfully eats.

My father stands up. "Chandler. Can we talk now?" Chandler gulps and nods. They leave the room.

I couldn't hear them except muffle sounds.

When they got back, my dad gestures me to follow him. I follow him to my room.

"Why did you want to talk about with me?" I ask. He sighs. "Are you still dating Sam?" I shake me head. "No." I say.

"Are you dating someone new?" He asks again. I shrug. His eye brows raise.

"Who?" He asks. "You'll get mad at me and hate me...." I say and e gets up. "I won't hate you. I promise." I sigh.

"It's Chandler..." I say and his eyes become angry.

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