Chapter 11 - Road to Recovery and Self-Discovery

Start from the beginning

He just needed somewhere to start.

Remus left as the rain started, urging Regulus not to stay too long, in favor of not catching a cold.

Regulus hopped up from his spot under the tree, he was soaked from head-to-toe as the rain grew harder.

He broke off into a sprint making his way around the back of the castle.

He could spot the window of Ivan's dorm from where he stood.

He swiveled all around in search for something to throw, settling on a small rock beside the wall.

He picked up a stone before chucking it towards the window as it hit with a tap sound.


Then he repeated the same thing with three more.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

And still nothing.

Water dripped from Regulus' soaked curls as his clothes clung to his body.

Water droplets stuck to his eyelashes and he blinked- making the water stream down his face.

"Regulus! What are you doing?!" Ivan spat as he opened the window.

"I'm really sorry I snapped at you!" Regulus cried, "I didn't mean it- I was just worked up because of my brother and I took it out on you- I'm sorry."

"Go inside, Regulus." Ivan sighed.

Regulus ignored him, continuing on as the ran smacked against his head.

"Before you showed up I had no friends. I didn't talk to anyone. I ghosted around the castle like I was invisible", Regulus explained exasperatedly, "But you sat across from me- you didn't know my brother or my family- you just did it because for some crazy reason, that I'll never understand, you decided to befriend me."

"I'm really sorry. I- I miss you guys." Regulus admitted.

Ivan looked conflicted before the window shut.

Regulus squeezed his eyes shut in defeat.

How had he managed to screw up so royally- was beyond him.

That was until a warmth surrounded him.

His eyes popped open as Ivan placed his jacket on Regulus, the piece of clothing charmed to keep warm.

"Come inside, will ya?" Ivan quipped before pushing Regulus towards the castle.

As they entered back into the castle Claudette stood worriedly.

"Claudette-" Regulus started as he and Ivan approached her.

"You don't have to say anything", Claudette assured as she pushed his wet curls behind his ear, "We're not mad, we just wanted to give you space."

"You're not mad?" Regulus quizzed.

Ivan threw his arm around Regulus shoulder, "It's gonna take a lot more than you snapping, to get rid of us."

Regulus' lip quivered as he pulled Claudette and Ivan into a hug.

"I love you guys." Regulus mumbled.

"We love you more." Ivan spoke for the both of them.



Regulus was used to the darkness.

Many nights as a small boy, Regulus had been thrown in dark basements and attics- that was, until Sirius found him.

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