Chapter 10 - The Second Task

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"Have either of you seen, Regulus?" James questioned as they met by the dock.

The sky was overcast and it was slightly chilly for the outfits the champions wore.

James and Jacques were in sleeveless shirts in their respective colors- with their school emblems on the shoulder- and swimming trunks.

Evangeliya had, finally, picked a bathing suit- after much debate- going with the white floral one that had ruffled straps.

Of course she would've look gorgeous in anything she wore, but that was just her natural charm.

"No, I haven't see Ivan either. He usually wakes me up in the mornings, but he never showed- wasn't in his room either." Eva explained worriedly.

"Claudette didn't show up to breakfast this morning. She always goes on about how Breakfast is the most important meal of the day- this is so unlike her." Jacques quipped.

A bad feeling hung over James, something wasn't right.

"People?! Are you joking?! They put people under there?!"

James snapped that way.

A group of kids talking as they waited by the docks.

James quickly walked over to them, Jac and Eva in tow.

"What?" James questioned.

"I heard they've stashed people underwater." The one boy spoke up.

James swallowed hesitantly as his blood ran cold, "Do you know who?"

"No." The boy said apologetically.

James ran his hand through his hair as he moved away from the group of boys.

"Oh god", James muttered as he paced in front of Jac and Eva, "People. Not objects- they put the people we'd miss the most."

"That's barbaric!" Jacques spat.

"He can't swim. He can't swim!" James cried as he dragged his hand down his face.

"Okay, okay", Eva started as her voice cracked unconfidently, "Let's be rational. We have an hour to find them- I'm sure they'll be safe as long as we get to them fast and efficiently."

"We have to get to the Merpeople's village. That's where they'll be." Jacques explained.

The three walked up to the edge of the dock, James' eyes traveling back towards his friends as Peter waved at him.

James quickly downed the potion as he discarded the bottle.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them." Dumbledore started, pausing before a whistle rung through the air.

James dove into the freezing cold water, speeding up his heart rate as he did so.

He looked down at his fingers that'd webbed and brought them to his neck where gilds had formed.

Regulus Black and The Elemental Trials जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें