Chapter 1 - The Goblet of Fire

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"Please don't. Do you know how many people have died in this tournament?" Regulus pleaded as they strolled the empty halls completing their prefect rounds.

The moonlight lit the hall and fell perfectly across Regulus' face as he and James passed the open windows out into the courtyard.

Crickets chirped their loud melodies and the wind whistled through the the blades of grass.

James sighed brushing his thumb across the back of Regulus' hand, "I don't, but I'm sure you'll tell me-"

"One hundred and ninety-six. Out of the four hundred and twenty champions", Regulus quipped, "That's a 46% percent death rate-"

"You worry too much." James assured the boy, interrupting him from rambling- something the younger boy did when he was anxious.

"You don't worry enough." Regulus frowned.

James stopped before facing the smaller boy. The hand not holding Regulus' made its way to the boys cheek.

"You're cute." James cooed as he scrunched his nose slightly.

"Remus got Sirius to see reason, why won't you?" Regulus quizzed.

"I just need a little excitement in my life." James shrugged.

"Excitement? Being best friends with a werewolf isn't enough excitement? Being an illegal animagni isn't exciting?" Regulus jeered before lowering his voice slightly, "Sneaking around with your best friend's baby brother isn't exciting?"

"You know what I meant." James said with a soft smile.

"I do. You, James Potter, cannot stray away from a challenge." Regulus said rolling his eyes.

James pressed a soft kiss to Regulus' lips.

"I doubt I'll even get picked", James assured, "You'll see it'll be perfectly fine."

Regulus didn't say anything as they returned to their rounds, but every so often James could feel Regulus' small cold fingers tighten their grip on his own hand.

Regulus couldn't stop thinking about it. Not as James walked him back to the Slytherin house. Not as he kissed him goodnight. And especially not as Regulus laid in his four poster bed staring up at the wooden overhang.

Two in every five champions were fatally injured or handicapped for life and Regulus couldn't afford James to be one of those two.

So Regulus did what he usually did when he felt helpless- Research.

Lots and lots of research.


By Halloween feast Regulus was buzzing with anxiety. His head convulsed inside his skull and he was ready to get on with it already.

"You look like you could use someone to take your mind off things."

Regulus was snapped out of his thoughts by the thick Bulgarian accent.

The boy wore a layered Durmstrang uniform that made Regulus sweat from just looking at it.

He had messy brown hair that hung just below his chin and high, defined cheek bones.

What Regulus found the most intriguing was his eyes as one was a piercing blue and the other a soft green.

"You have no idea." Regulus jeered.

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