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Walking along the flowery path Fristy felt as though nothing could ruin her perfect day. The air smelt sweet like caramel and there was only a slight breeze. Green inhabited the earth around her as she slowly stopped to smell the roses. The sun was barely setting so she had plenty of time to walk back to home.

Deciding she didnt want to miss anything she kept stopping to just take everything in. Looking around and realizing how tranquil nature could be she silently wished everything could stay that way. Rustling in a nearby bush halted her. she suspected a rabbit or rodent as the culprit. walking over to investigate she smelt something foul and changed her mind. It had to be a skunk she thought.

Turning back around to walk away she had a weird feeling in her gut to look back one last time. Tha'ts when she saw it. Thats when she saw the hand laying next to the bush. Running to take a better look at what she wasnt sure she saw, she peered behind the bush. What she saw startled her. A body was laying there face down with its back torn apart missing half its spine with blood all over the ground.

She couldnt stop the shrieking!


Sitting up she looked over and sighed. Tonight she was actually in her own bed. Remembering that after the incedent at work she hadn't trusted Glen enough to sleep over there again. She didnt know any one who would want to stalk her so Glen was her only suspect. Hailey was gone for the week, deciding to take a small vacation at her parents beach house three hours away, after Fristy flaked on there afternoon out.

It was a very creepy feeling to be alone knowing someone was trying to scare her. She couldnt understand why though, she wasn't the bitchy type so why would anyone want to harm or frighten her? Not wanting to go back to sleep and not wanting to stay there alone she called the only person who she thought would answer. Glen. Even though he was a suspect he already knew her number and hadnt tried to sleep with her or anything.

*Ring ring ring*

"Hello?" glen said groggaly.

"Hey" Fristy greeted. " I was lonely, and still a little unnerved from earlier. So maybe you would want to keep me company?" she pleaded.

"Uh, sure " he replied sounding very sleepy. "just let me get dressed"

" Oh i had meant on the phone...but ok" she decided, thinking that having someone with her would help her feel better.

After giving him her adress and hanging up the phone she decided movies and popcorn would be a great way to spend the time without akward silences. Walking through her apartment she stopped by the bathroom to check her appearance in the mirror. Lucky she didnt look like a monster but her hair was a mess slightly tangled in a bun. Happy enough with what she saw she went to the living room.

A comedy was going to be her best bet. Nothing scary and definatly no romance for her tonight. Just some humor and some buttery satled popcorn. Her 32 inch was large enough to fill out her small living room. The couch was its only other aquaintence. It was a dark brown and was soft like a stuffed toy.


Thats when she heard a loud noise comming from her bedroom. It was accompanied by a shatter. All of a sudden she couldn't move. She was paralyzed from fear and shock. "please dont kill me" she thought repeatildy and she stayed in the cornor of her couch tears streaming down her face.

*knock knock*

"Glens here." almost relieved and yet she didn't want him to get killed also.

Slowly she rose and tip toed to the door. Unlatching the chain she opened the door and ran into his arms. She was so glad that she was outside. It was instantly cold, she couldnt help but shiver miserably. Glen gave her a look of confusion.

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