Chapter 9 - Oh Brother

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Regulus hadn't felt this good in forever.

It was a nice change, finally putting his brother in his place. Regulus knew just what to say to tick his brother off.

Regulus wasn't any more of a coward than Sirius was- there was no right or wrong choice.

Neither boy was perfect and Regulus was constantly reminded.

He wasn't Sirius. He was too skinny, too short, not smart enough, not strong enough, not outgoing. The list went on.

Sometimes his mother would get urges to break something- usually him- mostly because if she squinted hard enough, Regulus almost looked like Sirius.

Of course Regulus would never tell Sirius this.

Regulus wasn't mad at the boy for leaving- no matter what he'd said- he was mad for everything his brother did afterwards, throwing him away like last weeks garbage.

That's the part that hurt Regulus, although he'd never let it show- James knew though, James always knew.

James was skilled at reading what was unsaid, when it came to the Black brothers.

Regulus, however much he wanted to, wouldn't out James. No matter how much he wanted to rub it in Sirius' face- that for once someone didn't see Regulus as just a lesser Sirius.

Regulus stripped off his uniform down to his pants and button up.

He rolled up the sleeves to his elbows before undoing a button or two.

Regulus sighed looking into the standing mirror once more before heading out of the room.

The common room was empty, signaling dinner had started.

Regulus slipped into the Great Hall, catching the attention of most- much to his dismay.

He took a seat across from Ivan and Claudette, who quietly drank their pumpkin juice.

"We- uh made you a plate." Ivan said sending Regulus a smile.

"Thanks." Regulus said.

The entire dinner had been silent- which Regulus didn't entirely mind.

His brothers gaze was on him- as well as James', but he didn't risk looking that way.

Instead, at the Slytherin table, the trio exchanged awkward smiles.

It wasn't the silence that Regulus hated, it was the reason they were silent that did.

"You two have been quiet", Regulus explained as the awkward dinner came to an end, "Wanna tell me why that is?"

Ivan and Claudette shared a look.

"Well we heard about..." Ivan started trailing off.

"We heard about the fight with your brother." Claudette finished with a slight frown.

Regulus sighed, "Great."

"We knew your family was bad, just.... not that bad." Ivan explained.

Regulus stood up.

"Where are you going?" Claudette started.

"Anywhere but here." Regulus muttered before moving over the bench and towards the exit.

"Oh come on, Regulus. We just want to talk." Ivan started as he and Claudette scrambled up and followed the small boy.

The couple swiftly caught up with him, falling into step.

"I don't want your pity." Regulus spat, more harsh then he'd intended.

"Its not pity. It's just- we care about you, Regulus, whether you like it or not-" Claudette jeered as her and Ivan stopped.

"I never asked you to care!", Regulus spat as he whipped around.

Here it was.

A trait that ran in the Black family- in his blood.

His was about to self destruct.

Because nothing ever stayed good for long when it came to Regulus.

He found a way to screw it up, one way or another.

"No one has ever cared about me and I've gotten this far without it! So I don't need your pity and I especially don't need you to care!"  Regulus hissed.

"Don't be like that." Ivan spat.

"This is what I'm like! Haven't you heard?!" Regulus sneered, "My own brother- my blood- the boy who would rock me to sleep, looks at me and sees me for what I really am! A monster!"

Regulus felt dizzy, less oriented as he wobbled slightly

"You two", Regulus stumbled on his words- each one falling from his mouth as if the world had slowed, "Befriended the wrong brother. I always was the lesser version of Sirius...."

Regulus swallowed, his eyes growing heavy. He fought back with all his might- fruitlessly.

The world felt still as Regulus' eyes fluttered shut- his eyes rolling back into his head.


And then nothing.

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