Chapter 7 - Champion's Dinner

Start from the beginning

Moments later Ivan and Claudette crashed into the room, looking more unkept and frazzled then when Regulus had left them.

"Now who had a quickie?" Regulus jeered.

"We did not have a quickie", Claudette spat trying to fix her hair, "We got caught in the commotion that was someone blowing up the punch bowls."

"Sirius." Regulus and James said at the same time before laughing.

"Who?" Claudette questioned.

"My brother." Regulus explained.

"You have a brother?" She quizzed.

"Oh yeah, they're not exactly on the prettiest of terms", Ivan explained, "Doesn't know his lil bros sleeping with his best friend either."

"How am I the last to know?" Claudette said pouting

"Don't take it personal. Regulus doesn't like to talk about his family, they're pretty much all terrible people- except for maybe Sirius, but even he has his moments." James assured the girl.

Regulus desperately wanted to drop the family conversation and was granted just that as a letter flew into the room and planted itself onto the beautifully set table.

Regulus took the chance to observe his surroundings, the room- much like the Great Hall- was decorated in icicles and layers of snow.

A white tablecloth draped over the rectangle table in the middle of the room.

Six chairs lined the table two at each end and two on either side.

In the middle was a set of two completely white, miniature Christmas trees.

Around the trees, down the entire middle of the table were tiny snowflakes scattered all around.

Also in the middle were two white candles on glass candle holders and small pine cones dusted in snow.

Each place was set up with white china- that was decorated with beautiful swirl designs- silverware, decorative napkins rings, and two glasses.

Regulus figured the two glasses were just the usual setup even though they'd probably not be using both.

While Regulus was in his head, James dragged him towards the table.

Claudette and Ivan sat in the chairs across the table from the two boys, while Eva and Jac sat on opposite ends.

"Who wants to read it?" James asked his fingers grazing the envelope.

Jacques plucked the envelope in his grasp, ripping it open, before reading it.

"Champions, the second task draws near and with it- in arms reach- eternal glory. Enjoy the night full of new friendships and Yule Tide cheer. Eat up, Dumbledore." Jacques read to the group.

With that the table filled with all kinds of foods, from mashed potatoes to escargot to sarmi.

"Before we eat, I have brought something." Evangeliya explained.

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