Chapter 1 - The Goblet of Fire

Start from the beginning

"Ivan." The boy said as he sat down across the table from Regulus.

"Regulus." Regulus politely replied back.

"So Regulus, did ya place your name in the cup?" He quizzed.

"Nah. Not my thing. I'm just-"

"Worried about someone you cared about, who did." Ivan finished practically reading his mind.

"Yeah." Regulus explained.

"I get that. My twin sister, Evangeliya, put her name in. Tried to convince her not to, but she told me I was too young to understand. She's only three minutes older." Ivan explained causing Regulus to chuckle.

"What about you, didn't want the 'eternal glory'?" Regulus quizzed playfully.

"Oh believe me, I would if I could. Just the downfalls of being born with Hemophilia, which is-" Ivan started.

"Where your blood fails to clot normally, in which any small injury could lead to bleeding out." Regulus finished for the boy.

"And here I thought I'd sat at the Slytherin table." Ivan jeered.

As he smiled Regulus spotted slightly crooked teeth, which he thought added to the boy's overall mystique.

"You did, but you just so happened to sit with the one Slytherin who has more useless knowledge in his pinky finger than anyone else does in their entire body." Regulus explained causing both boys to break out into laughter.

"Attention! Can I have everyone's attention." Dumbledore started as Regulus and Ivan quieted and focused their attention on the headmaster.

"Tonight the cup will choose three champions. One to represent each school. Those champions will compete in a set of tasks to be named Triwizard champion and be granted eternal glory." Dumbledore exclaimed.

The goblets blue flames lit the room covering the entire Great Hall in blue hues.

The blue quickly burned a blood red before it spit out a singed piece of parchment.

Dumbledore swiftly caught the paper slip.

The crowd of student watched anxiously before Dumbledore spoke.

"The Durmstrang champion is.... Evangeliya Angelov!" Dumbledore announced.

Regulus watched as the Durmstrang students went wild.

The long brown haired girl stood up from the table proudly. She looked somewhat identical to Ivan except her eyes were both a hazel color.

She had dark freckles dusted across her nose, unlike Ivan, and her face held a victorious smirk.

She was extremely confident and very pretty, if Regulus was into that kind of thing.

She walked over to Dumbledore, shaking the old man's hand before walking out past the teachers table and disappearing from sight.

Regulus turned to Ivan who seemed to be taking it better than Regulus would've.

With a second look at Ivan, Regulus also noted then that Evangeliya had fuller lips, and a smaller nose.

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