Safety Net

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"No calls until 9am on Monday, Deb," Nicki said to her assistant who nodded. "I will only be using my personal so only call me if it's absolutely necessary."

"Understood. And you'll be back in the office Monday afternoon?" she asked and Nicki nodded.

"It's a well needed break I'll tell you that much, so hopefully I don't miss too much, but I timed it as best I could," she said and her assistant agreed. "I'm going to head out now, we leave first thing in the morning and I have yet to finish packing." With that she picked up her personal belongings and headed out of her office and out of the building for the few days she had off of work.

Her job was very demanding to say the least and it weighed heavy on her for the most part, but she loved what she did. She had always had intentions of achieving big things and a high ranking job, but she'd never quite imagined the life she had now. Her job was definitely fulfilling, but at times it did get lonely. The ability to acquire quality time to indulge in the things that brought her comfort was minimal, but for now she was willing to make that sacrifice; there would be time to slow down later.

Walking into her home, she placed her keys on the side table by the door and picked up the letters that had been dropped off earlier that day, deciding there was nothing too important. She took off the trench coat she was wearing and hung it in its rightful place, before kicking off her heels and pulling her hair into a bun to keep it out of her face as she walked up the stairs to her en suite bathroom.

It was routine for her. Most nights she'd come in completely spent from a long day's work but she was grateful to not have anyone to answer to. It allowed her to carry out her nightly routine and prepare for the following day's activities.

She sighed as she walked back into her bedroom and removed her trousers, placing them in a hamper. She decided to go on a wander to her fridge where she took out the bottle of wine she had opened the night before and poured herself a glass, carrying it back up the stairs to prepare for the bath she now had running...


"Good Morning Ms. Maraj," Hank said to her as he took her small suitcase from her and placed it in the trunk of his car.

"Good morning Mr. Jones," she said with a smile as she got into the car through the door he had already opened for her, greeting her friends on the way in.

"You don't understand how exciting this is!!" Thembi spoke excitedly from the front seat. "We haven't really had a chance to hang out like this in over a year," she added and they agreed with her.

"It definitely has been a while," Nicki said. "And that is mainly my fault so I do apologise,"

"Girl, stop it," Candi said from her seat causing them to laugh. "We all knew what this job meant to you and we all knew the sacrifices that came with it. Let's just enjoy the fact we can actually hang out for once,"

"You're right. Are Lauren and Justine meeting us at the airport?" She asked and Thembi confirmed. They had decided it would be easier to meet them there because they lived on the other side of the city, and Hank had offered to drive the rest of them. "This is gonna be fun,"

"It really is," Thembi added. "I've got the board games and all. I really think this is a needed weekend away,"

"You can say that again," Candi added. "And we're making the most of it. I heard the location isn't too busy which is good,"

"Yeah I heard every cabin is a short distance from the next so everyone gets their privacy. Which is necessary," Nicki said as she turned off her work phone after sending her last email and placed it in her bag. "There is a few campfire activities though which will also be nice,"

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