STORYTIME LET GOoOooOo!:(!!!*^;/\>!!]()$)*g(gg*

Start from the beginning

Azarel created a small group of friends for himself, inspired by the birds The Celestia made herself. 

Oizys...didn't understand to use her powers...B-but, it's not like loneliness is a bad thing, right?

"Huh, why haven't you done anything with your piece yet?" The Celestia asked one day. 

"I can't think of anything..." Oizys said gloomily, "And b-beside, your creations are already beautiful enough. What if I were to ruin them?"

"No such thing!" The Celestia exclaimed, "You don't know if they're going to be ugly if you don't try!"

Oizys titled her head, "Well..."

"Come on! Come on!" The Celestia persisted, "It doesn't have to be a masterpiece! Just make something! Anything!"

Oizys backed away, a little afraid of the goddess's excitement, but also in awe of her purity, "Well, it wouldn't hurt to try..."

She held her hands out, and begin to chant a couple of words. Words that absolutely meant nothing, but were there to focus her mind. She steadied her breath, and begin to fuse colors in her mind. Colors that could form something...anything...

There was something there...There-!

It was then suddenly-!


That nothing absolutely happen.

The Celestia pouted, "Oh, that's a shame..."

However, she immediately snapped back to her bouncy self, "But that's okay! You can always achieve everything if you try hard enough."



Days would then turn into weeks. Then weeks into months. 

Oizys would sit on the highest tree to look out on her land, but none of it was her creation. Only The Celestia.

"Ah, perhaps you only need a little inspiration!" A cheerful voice exclaimed, interrupting her solitude. 

Oizys sighed, this time with annoyance, "My Goddess, everything I have attempted has come out futile," her elf ears seem to droop down, "Perhaps, I am what you called...a mistake?"


The goddess grabbed the elf by her cheeks harshly, causing the elf to yelp in surprise and slight throbbing pain. 

"There are no mistakes in the world, Oizys! Only...happy little accidents!" (I feel like you stole that from somewhere...)

Oizys slightly averted her eyes.

"Look at me! Look at your goddess!"

She immediately snapped back to her goddess's eyes.

"You're just different, that's all! So what if you're slower? Perhaps, that your brain dreaming up the most beautiful thing known to man- Um- the future men you would have!"

Oizys couldn't help but slowly succumb to her goddess's eyes. It was the first time she ever stared into her creator's eyes so deeply before. 

Opposite of a black hole, instead it was like a beacon of light outwardly shining out. A light that no one could trample, but only one could look at it and realize there is still a way to reach enlightenment even in seemingly the most darkest time.

Such gleaming eyes with hope...and purity...


It wouldn't hurt go to on longer, would it?

[DISCONTINUED] Sail On | Diavolo X Lucifer | Obey me FanficWhere stories live. Discover now