"Master! Master!"

44 3 0

Now, Goku's life.


Goku waited ever so patiently for his teacher/guardian to come home from wherever he had run of to during the day. He sat on the rock and just counted the cars as they passed by. So far, 54.

He puffed out his cheeks and jumped down, surveying his surroundings to see if Master Roshi was anywhere near by. Where is he? Did he get in trouble.... darn it I'm starving.

Goku paced the front of the house in deep thought, wondering where Roshi could be and why he was still out so late. He wanted to look for him, but he also knew he wasn't allowed to move around the town without permission.

Luckily he didn't have to wait long, Master Roshi came into view a few minutes later with Turtle and.... a sack. He never left home with any intentions of bringing back a sack. "Master! Master! I got home before you did so that means I get extra dinner! Ha! Also, here's the rock." Goku patted the rock next to him and chuckled at his master.

"Well, we have a problem actually. I was running late and this big guy wouldn't stop yapping on about how he was gonna fall asleep," "I'm not a machine!" "and I left the potatoes so could you go collect them from Chedder, the shop woman?"

Goku stared up at him in disbelief and pure disappointment. First, he makes him walk around town with only a granola bar pushing a rock at least a billion times his own weight and now, after being late back home, forgets the potatoes!

"Master Roshi, how could you!? I'm so tired and so bored and so HUNGRY! Now I have to go get the botatoes!"

"Kid, it's potatoes."

"That's what I said! Botatoes!" Goku just shook his head and started walking in the direction of the veggie mart. "Don't take too long. Tell Chee I say hi!"

Goku, walking alone to the veggie mart. How bad could it be? Just a child going to collect some 'botatoes'.... Hey, they look like they need some help. He spotted a group of teenagers all huddled around a huge hole in the ground and ran to them. "How did it even get there?" "My dad's gonna kill me when he finds out." "I ain't getting myself dirty for a ball."

He stopped next to them and asked what the matter was. "Well, a certain idiot got my ball stuck at the bottom of this hole and none of us wanna go get it. Can ya help?" Goku nodded happily at the boys question and took a few steps back. With as much running speed and bravery he could muster, he leapt into the muddy hole, grabbed their ball and threw it to them.

"Thanks dude! Do ya need help getting out or do we leave ya?" "No, I'm fine! Just need to climb out." Easier said than done. That hole was slippery and eventually he gave up and let the boys lift him out.

Now he was muddy but still, kept walking with the intentions of botatoes. He reached the market in record time and looked for Cheder's shop. "Hey, Goku! I need some help over here!" Cheder called from a distance waving her arms in the most obnoxiously annoying way. Goku ran to her a gave the tall black woman a hug.

"Hi! Master Roshi said I should come collect some botatoes he left."

"That's wonderful and all but, I need your help. My chicken Camille got out of her coop and I can't catch her. You mind catching her for me, pretty please?"

"Oh, OK! She's the brown chicken, right?" Cheder nodded and pointed in the direction in which her chicken ran to. One chicken, one hungry, angry eight year old.

Goku's running and breathing were lagging, his body couldn't handle being chased by a blood-thirsty chicken.

"Be careful! She tends to be aggressive around children!" Now she tells me. Goku  stopped running and turned to face her. I. Am not. AFRAID! Screaming at the top of his lungs, Goku charged at the chicken, who caught the message pretty clearly and made a run for it.

Eventually, Goku caught her by jumping and grabbing her legs. "Thanks, Goku! Here are the 'botatoes'. Tell Roshi not forget them again, or I'll have to stop selling to him." "Okay, Chee! Have a nice day, buh-bye!" Goku said his final farewell to her.

Just as he was nearing home, Goku realised something; he was covered head-to-toe in mud, dirt and maybe one or two worms in his hair. Master Roshi would not be impressed. "Goku! How did you get so muddy?! Did you get into a fight?!" Roshi shot up from his chair and checked his arms, legs and nose for injuries.

Goku found it hilarious.

"Master Roshi, I'm fine! I just had to jump into some mud to get a ball for some people. And after, I had to chase Chee's chicken! H-hey, that tickles!" He laughed when his master rolled up his shirt and poked his belly. Roshi stopped what he was doing and facepalmed.

"Alright kid, take off your clothes and go behind the house." He did as he was told and ran to the backyard. He was feeling incredibly itchy, and he smelled terrible. For once, he was actually looking forward to a bath.

As Master Roshi towel dried his hair, Goku suddenly remembered something. "Master Roshi," "Yes?" "Chee says hi! And that if you ever leave the botatoes, she won't sell to you anymore." Roshi rolled his eyes and got clean clothes for Goku. "That woman never changes."


Had to get this out before I forgot.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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