"You caughted me."

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There's a reason for the grammar error in the title.


Four weeks had passed since Carrot-top and Umbrella-boy had met. Goku had been trying to find him around town....which got him in trouble with Roshi for getting lost the first time. "Alright kid for your next training,you're gonna push this rock around town!" Goku and Master Roshi stood at the front of the latter's house, along side the huge ass rock Goku would be pushing all day.

It wasn't the beginning of their weird training sessions though. Goku knew what Master Roshi was like even before he had been living with him for two weeks. "But Master Roshi, this rock is huge! How am I supposed to push it all by myself before the day ends?! I'll sweat!" "Don't wear a shirt then. It'll lessen the sweating. Now, GO!" Goku jolted when Roshi slapped him on the back. Now he had to push a giant rock around the town he knew oh so little about.

I can do this. Just like when he made me wash all those dirty clothes in ten minutes. He's weird.

Goku cracked his knuckles and placed both his hands on the rock, attempting to make it move. He pushed hard and made it shift...a little. This isn't good. How am I supposed to move this across the entire town?! He strained and took small steps as the rock slowly made some sort of attempt to move.

"Good morning kids! I'm your teacher but you already know my name. I'm back after such a long time! In case you've forgotten me, my name is Mrs. Sylvester." A young lady in her twenties spoke to the class of ten years olds. Vegeta sat at the back of the class pinching his nose. Ugh she's back. I thought I got rid of her after giving her food poisoning. Vegeta grumbled yo himself as his plan didn't keep him safe from her craziness forever.

She wasn't exactly..... the brightest teacher you could ask for. How she got a job as a math teacher for 4th graders, was completely out of his comprehension. Vegeta and Mrs. Sylvester's eyes met for a brief moment as a smirk grew on the formers lips. Her eyes twitched as she faced the class once more. "So today we'll be learning about prime numbers! Can anyone tell us what a prime number is?" No one. Absolutely no one knew what a prime number was.

She sighed and wrote on the board, 'Prime numbers are number that are divisible by only two numbers; one and the number mentioned.' I knew that. Vegeta grumbled. He and the teacher didn't exactly get along. Mostly because Vegeta tried to put a live squid in her dress during summer school because she broke his favourite cup, on purpose.

"Mrs. Syl, I'd like to go buy something." Vegeta waved his arm frantically at the back of the class trying to get her attention. "What do you want?" "Water. They don't sell water in this school so I have to go out." She sighed before pointing at the door, indicating that he could go. He jumped from his seat and ran down the halls to get out of the most boring lesson he could imagine.

Soon after, two of his friends (or allies as he calls them) joined him. "What excuse did you guys use?" "We said we were watching you so you wouldn't escape from school again." Broly and Nappa followed him till they saw the entrance of the school. "Well you boys can go back. I really was going to buy some water cuz I'm thirsty." "No you were plotting on escaping to plan on how to get rid of her."

Broly wasn't entirely wrong, though he was wrong on one thing. He was actually gonna buy water, find Carrot-top and then tell him his plan. Just as he was about to push the boys away, he saw movement at the corner of his eye. "Stay here. I need to talk to someone." He left them alone to go talk to the younger boy.

"C-come on rock, move p-please!" Goku stopped to bang his head on his nearly impossible mission when he heard a cough from above him. "Well well well looks like you caughted me on your big rock. How ya been?" Vegeta jumped down and was immediately pulled into a tight hug by Goku.

"Umbrella-boy! I missed you. I've been looking for you since the day I came here!" "Let go of me in three...two.......one." Vegeta patted his abnormally strong friends hair as a signal to let him go. "You're a strong one. I might have to remember that. Your name is Son right?" "No its Goku! Son is my last name." Vegeta rolled his eyes and walked down the sidewalk, leaving his companion with his heavy rock.

"At least ask questions about this thing!" "Oi, what are you doing talking to Vegeta! Broly, attack!" What, a pokemon battle? Broly and Nappa pushed Goku to the ground and tried searching his pockets for any cash. Or candy. "Leave him. He's my friend Carr- I mean..... Kakarot. Yeah that's his name." Broly sighed and Nappa just tsked at him.

"Carr- um, Kakarot, what're you doing with that boulder?" "Master Roshi, the man who picked me up after you left, said this is part of my training. Why are you wearing that silly outfit?" Vegeta's eyes looked to the direction of his eyes and he made a disgusted look at the schools uniform.

An oversized light blue shirt with a plain pair of shorts. The crest on the shirt was just a picture of a pencil and an eraser dancing with the schools name over them. "They still treat us like children. I mean, what even is this? Anyway ignore it. How old are you that he would allow someone like you to be parading the town with a ROCK?!"

Goku shrugged and continued pushing the rock towards his destination. "I'm eight. You?" "Ten. How could an old man make an eight year old do this? I'm ten yet I wouldn't even do this!" Vegeta, Broly and Nappa followed Goku as he was nearing his home. He had been pushing the boulder since 8:00am and now, it was nearly 4:20pm. Vegeta had taken of his uniform at some point and was only wearing his shorts.

"Thanks for walking me home Vegeta. And you too Vegeta's friends!" "They are NOT my friends." Goku sighed and set the rock at the exact place Roshi told him to put it. All he had to do, was wait for him yo finish his marathon. "I'll see you later, Vegeta!" "Yeah whatever Carr- Kakarot. See ya." Vegeta pulled the younger into a long hug and patted his back.

They waved at each other and the boys eventually had to come up with an excuse as to why they left school and never returned. Not that Vegeta cared what the principal or his teacher said. No, he feared what his DAD would say if he heard he skipped school.

"That kid seems nice. What did you say he name was again?" Broly asked Vegeta who was way ahead of the two behind him. "His name was Kakarot." "W-what?" He asked again with a bit of force. "KAKAROT! Should I spell it out for you or say it multiple times?! Kakarot, Kakarot, Kakarot!" Broly growled at the mention of his 'name', pouncing on Nappa and trying to bite his ear off.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! Broly, stop! Why the heck are ya doing this?!" Vegeta tried to pull him of his 14 year old friend but got pushed to the side by Broly, biting his lips in the process. After a while, Broly just fell by himself with a bit of Nappa's ear in his mouth. He fell asleep. "He's crazy!" "My ear! I lost my flipping ear!" Vegeta patted his back as they both carried him to his house.

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