"Sure! Let me get my scarf and my hat." She smiled at him and went back into Ginny's room.

"I can't believe they can't behave the one time I bring a girl home," Bill whispered to me, rather annoyed.

"I think she didn't mind it. She found it rather amusing." I couldn't help a smile from spreading across my face.

"She's just being polite. This is ridiculous. I thought they would grow out of it by now." Bill whined.

"Me too. I did not miss this at all." I put my arm over his shoulder. "Really, she's fine with it," I said again.

It was cute how nervous he was around her.

"How do you know?" He looked at me. "She's so hard to read. Even if she says something I never know if she means it." He sighed.

I didn't know how to answer his question. I just knew. I didn't find her as difficult to read as Bill was describing. I guess I was better at reading people or perhaps he just fancied her too much to notice these things.

"Bill, you have to get your shit together. She's just a girl and she's here with you!" I frowned at him.

I remember when he was giving me relationship advice while we were still in school. I never thought I would have to teach him how to talk to girls.

"You're right." He let out a long sigh. "I'm an idiot, aren't I?" He smiled at me.

"You're overreacting. I'm pretty sure she likes you back so just take her for a romantic walk and get it over with." I pushed him towards our room for him to get dressed.

"I told you I'll tell her once we get back," he said through his teeth, careful not to be overheard.

"Merlin's beard, you're stubborn!" I rolled my eyes. "You are not waiting so long. You're telling her today! Now go!" I threw his hat at him. "It's enough I have to do damage control with our younger siblings, I don't need you giving me trouble too."

"Okay, mum!" He stuck his tongue at me, trying to appear childish, and ran out of the room before I could punch him in the face.

After checking on the twins and telling them they missed a spot I finally made my way down for breakfast. The smell of freshly baked bacon filled my nostrils, making me realize just how hungry I was. Bossing kids around is hard work!

I sat down next to Percy and Ron and put some eggs on my plate.

"Where are Bill and Rhylee?" Mum asked while putting bacon on my plate straight from the frying pan.

"They went for a walk," I answered.

"She's a lovely girl, isn't she?" She beamed at me.

I was always astonished how she could go from shouting at the twins to looking so sweet and nice.

"Yeah," I said quickly.

I wasn't the one to talk and I definitely didn't want to talk about Rhylee. I made a promise to not speak to her again and since I already broke that this morning, I am trying not to think about her. Especially when I saw how much Bill liked her.

"Are we going to see the lights today, mum?" Ginny joined us.

"I don't know, dear." Mum sighed. "After what Fred and George did this morning..."

"That's so unfair!" Percy spoke for the first time. "Why don't we get to do anything nice because they don't know how to obey!" He frowned.

"Perce is right, mum." I couldn't believe I agreed with him for once. "Don't punish the rest of them for the twins' mischief. I'm sure they would all like to go."

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