Frail Blossoms

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Death mentions
Sing to me sunshine, birds flying in the breezes of Winter
Escaping a merciless gaze from death.
Life of the flower, wilted by sorrow.
The Sun ever shines over emerald fields,
Her beams soothing the broken petals,
Before the hard and cold stare of ice plagues the once glorified land,
Humming the hymn of pain towards its victims.

Careless as they do, the seasons change;
Autumn's fire, Winter's ice,
Spring's blossoms and Summer's mantle
Towards the fragile forms of life,
How they linger in the forgotten light.
Bring hope from darkness, spark the flame,
To kill off Winter and save the frail,
Trees of oak stand calm and strong,
Shield the flowers from a deadly song.

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