at this point everybody was freaking out especially all the female idols

"i don't care about you older idol groups but i also don't care about the younger girls in the new groups...there's one girl i specifically want..."

the older idol girl groups were relieved but now the rest of us were scared especially my group...

"she's actually very beautiful im not sure if many of you heard of her but her name is venus"

my heart dropped that's when my group and i bursted into tears right then and there...nobody knew my name just yet but by our reaction it seemed everybody caught on that he was talking about me

"venus sweetheart don't be afraid okay? i can see the fear and as much as it turns me on i don't want to see you cry, now enjoy your day but later tonight try not to stay alone for too long and don't trust anybody you see unless you want to be mine this fact that sounds more hmm...interesting, you would wanna be mine tonight wouldn't you? yea? okay we can arrange that huh?"

it was all going to fast the first day i finally get a taste of success becomes my last and i didn't even get to enjoy it...and now my life is going to be ripped away from me??


suddenly he laughs scaring damn near everybody.

"baby stop overthinking this men will handle you...isn't that right boys?" all of a sudden the screen goes black and everybody starts to panic.
it's pitch black and nobody can see anything
and before i know it im being lifted from the floor.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP!!!" i try to scream but nobody would help it's almost like nobody heard me..

i felt a bag being but over my head and i felt my body being thrown into some car and i tried kicking scratching punching who ever it was that was sitting next to me but they weren't affected by it...

"sweetheart behave yourself yea?"

that voice was the one i heard from earlier

"take this shit off my head!"

i couldn't do it myself since my hands were cuffed to my legs

finally he lifts the bag from my head revealing my tear stained face.
he pouts while looking at me

"awe baby we're you crying? i would never hurt you..."

he tries wiping my face but i quickly move my head, he grabs me by the neck forcing me to make eye contact with him...

"don't fucking give me that brat attitude do you understand me? i can only tolerate so much. my patience runs little with people and you are no exception. do i make myself clear little one?"

i stare into his eyes and nod my head yes.


he shoves me and i try to sit up with my legs to the side.

"we are here sir." says his driver.

"thank you."

he opens the door and lifts me up walking out and into the front of what i'm guessing his home.

"i will torture you if u do something stupid."
he opens the door to some random room and sits me down on the desk.
he uncuffs my arms and legs and that's when i take the chance to lift my leg up with as much force and kick him in his balls.
i run to the door and realized it was locked and hurriedly find something to defend myself with.
"fuck" i quietly say

he lifts his head up still clearly in pain and locks his eyes with mine and bites his lips.

"you stupid fucking slut."

i back up to a corner farthest from him and watch as he starts getting up. i scan the room trying to find a exit but the window was bolted in and the door was of course screwed

"i was being fucking nice to you but now i'm pissed off." he hurriedly runs to me and before i can swing on him he grabs my arm turns my body to face the wall and grabs both my arms and put them behind my back...

"my men will grab you and put you in a room i will then explain what i want with you but if you disobey them you will go in the basement do i make myself clear?"

i nod my head and he moves back allowing some men who appears from thin air to take me to my so called room that i will be staying in.

after trying to settle in the guy comes in, now that i think of it i still don't know his name.

"how are you doing"

i stare into thin air ignoring him.

"my name is blade. i already know your name so you don't need to tell me."

"why the fuck am i here"

"well first watch your to-"

before he could finish i get up

"watch my tone? you fucking kidnap me like i'm some sack of potatoes that you could throw around but no im a human being who the fuck do you think you are to treat me this way?!"

i say as i walk towards him.

he gets up and stares me dead in the eyes, he definitely doesn't look happy.

"i'm going to give you 2 years to fall in love with me and if you don't fall in love with me in those 2 years i will let you go but don't cross a line you've crossed too many today."

"fuck you and fuck your lines." i say back to him

he slaps me across the face and i look back at him in shock.

"you fucking pig..."

before he could even speak i punch him straight in the mouth causing his mouth to bleed and fear ran through my body.

"fuck im sor-"

he lifts me up and slams me down on the floor and kicks my stomach in.

"you're lucky i don't beat you right now."

i was stuck on the floor my body felt like a thousand pounds i could barely move until he lifts me up in the bed and lays me down.

i ended up coughing blood on the white sheets.

"i'm sorry but i do not tolerate disrespect and like i said you are no exception. do i make myself clear?"

i look him in the eyes showing my hatred for him and nod my head yes.

"good now go to sleep."

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