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The secret hallway where all students come down to–well the ones who know about it. Y/n was sitting there with her knees to her chest crying in silence not wanting to draw attention to herself but how can she when it's the end of the school day.

Walking by was the boy that stole her heart, Jin, she seemed to have caught his attention without her acknowledging him in the same room as her–the boy was now staying next to her.

"What's wrong?", suddenly says, getting her attention.

Y/n's heart nearly sank from the familiar sound of Jin's voice. She didn't react scared but she thought to herself.

It would be you.

"Y/n, what is it", he spoke again. In a friendly way, it felt similar to before with their friendship that ended it bad. It was stupid with lies and rumors spreading about both of them–y/n didn't know who to believe.

So she told Jin she needed space from him, just one day–but a month was given. She wasn't the only one hurt from all the talk Jin was as well.

He didn't care for rumors that's why he turned away from it. Well, that's until y/n decided to take a break from him and it drove him mad. They were lies, how can she believe lies over him?

It may be hard to hear, but the girl had her reasons. They came from his friends and was she not supposed to believe them? We went on with her life trying her best not to look his way.

The girl was never mad at him even though it seemed like it–she was mad at herself.

"Nothing", she says, getting up from the floor, walking a few steps away from Seokjin.

He grips her around her arm, "I'm serious you can talk to me".

"Really? Or is that in general? For everyone".

"Y/n, why are they being this way? Haven't you had enough?"

"Me!", she said sternly, shaking Jin off her arm, "It's not my fault and I don't like it when you compare me to others, got it".

Y/n storms away into an old room that was surprisingly clean–it still looked like a classroom just hasn't been used.

Seokjin chuckles walking in behind her, "What's so funny?", she questioned.

"You're still the same".

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're still stubborn!", he strongly pronounced.

The argument took its course and it was overwhelming y/n on the things she really wanted to say, "Jin I can care less about the rumors! I just hate myself more about letting you go because of what people said. I could have proved them wrong and stayed with you, but I regret not doing it".

"What?", he says, shocked from y/n sudden outburst.

"Dammit Jin, don't you know I truly care about you?"

"No I didn't".

"Well now you know".

"You're right, I do", he says, with a pause staring intensely at y/n.

To her surprise Jin took her in his hands pushing her into the wall aggressively kissing y/n. She doesn't deny it but embraces it wrapping her arms around him as the keep becomes passionate and rough.

Laying her head up against the wall she tries to get as many breaths before going in deep with Jin again. He was too busy to worry about y/n red marks pumped lips, Jin was Focused on her soft skin that smell of rose water.

Trailing his kisses down her body she moans in delight being able to feel his hands again. The squeeze of her breast, pulling up her shirt placing wet kisses on her stomach, to finally unbutton her shorts. Picking y/n up she gasps as he puts her on the table, standing her up and spinning her around.

He tugs on her a bit rough motioning his lips to her ear and says, "I always wanted to do this".

"Generally or with just me?"

"With just you", he answered, kissing her cheek.

Placing her to lay down–chest down on the table he removes her shorts and his pants going wide deep she takes Jin whole nearly screaming as her hands hang onto the table.

"Do be a pretty little girl and let me rock your world".

Y/n body was doing all the talk she needed Jin already was seeing her body movement going up and down from her breathing. She took the cake and surely she was enjoying it from a thrust to three with times more.

Jin loved the way he smashed his lower half into hers lifting her up she was a beautiful mess taking him so nice and big he ran his hand down her chest feeling the sweat state they both were in. He finishes her off pinching her nipples, biting her sensitive skin on her neck.

While she had a hand full of Jin butt pushing inside more as they both cum. Y/n and Jin slipped their clothes back on leaving the room, "You know this was a bad way of making up, right?"

"Yeah, it was intense. Let's do it again", he suggested.

Making y/n laugh they held each other hand walking down the hallway, "That's call make up sex".

"Ow, I like the sound of that".

Y/n shakes her head with a smile across her face, "Well, Now You Know".

"No. Now You Know you're my girl", he says, kissing her parted lips ending whatever happened in the past can stay in the past.

𝐄𝐱𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 {𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐩}Where stories live. Discover now