08. might as well kiss me

Start from the beginning

"she does."

"are you planning to make
something out of your

levi immediately looked to you,
and it seemed by the way he
glanced over, you already got
your answer.

levi ackerman
"does that matter? i don't
know if it'll even happen."

"it's best not to expect."

you walk over to him, slapping
his arm lightly.

levi ackerman
"what the hell are you on?"

"don't you go all sappy on
me, now!"

"are you an idiot? as long as
you work for it, there's more
chance that it'll happen than
not, no?"

levi ackerman
"you seem more passionate
about it than i am."

"i doubt it. i mean, i don't
plan to make a business
that includes tea."

"you, however."

the man rolls his eyes, placing
the tea back on the counter.

levi ackerman
"i was kidding. that was


"wait, it was?"

he was a bit offended that you
couldn't tell.

you knew that as well, but that
thought only made you laugh-
probably because everything
levi does happens to be
unintentionally funny.

"oh, sorry!! it's just-
your tone-"

levi ackerman
"huh? what about it?"

for such an arrogant guy...
he's really clueless.

"you always sound serious, i
just can't tell when you

levi ackerman
"tsk. stay there, i'll make
the tea."

"you're so..."

levi ackerman
"so what? finish your sentence."

"surprising. you're so surprising."

he starts boiling the water,
then looks back at you, genuinely
confused yet interested.

levi ackerman

"you're a dumbass, a gentleman,
and an asshole all at once, and i
mean that in the nicest way

"only you could manage that.
it must be hard."

levi ackerman
"fuck you."

"and i thought you were
going to be serious."

"but i'm being serious! you're
more of a menace than i am!"

levi ackerman
"word it differently, at

ur uglie ::::|||||


"okay. you're...uh, vulgar,
but you can be nice at times,
like when you make me tea."

he looks to you, and then to
the boiling water, realizing
what you mean.

levi ackerman

"you're a dumbass."

he turns around and faces
the water in an attempt to
hide a laugh.

"i can see you laughing!"

levi ackerman
"your eyes are deceiving you."

"i know what i'm seeing :))))"

levi ackerman
"i'll spill this tea all over

he gets the tea ready, and then
walks to you to hand you yours.

"that's pretty romantic. are
you trying to woo me, levi?"

levi ackerman
"depends on your definition
of woo-ing."

"it's you spilling tea all over
me!! might as well just kiss
me, y'know?"

while you were just spouting
out nonsense, or at least that's
what levi likes to think, his face
heated up which immensely
annoyed him.

that's not how this was supposed
to go, was it?

levi ackerman
"whatever...just finish the tea
and we'll get to cleaning."

you cock your head to the
side, watching levi walk away
from you and to the storage room
in your house for the cleaning
supplies, because apparently
he knew where it was.

wrong. it was an excuse to try
and hide his nervousness
for the time being.

"what a guy..."

you continue to sip your tea,
waiting for the hopeless
ravenette to come back.


i like this chapter ngl

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